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Looking for book recommendations--about or set in Arizona.

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There is a Trixie Belden book that was set in Arizona. They went there on a vacation but ended up helping out at the resort due to some kind of emergency. The book covered things like traditional foods,etc.


Oh, I loved Trixie Belden as a child. This is perfect! Thanks!




This book is about the Saguaro cactus and animals that live in/near it.. They are only found in this region of AZ/Mexico. My kids love the book and read it often!


Very nice! I'll put that on the list. :)


Roxaboxen - best children's picture book! Set in Yuma, Az



Brighty of the Grand Canyon by Marguerite Henry



Oh, I actually own Roxaboxen and I think it's boxed up. I didn't remember it being about Arizona. Thanks for mentioning it!


LOVE the Marguerite Henry recommendation. Lovely!

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Wright on Time is a series, each set in a different state, about a traveling homeschooling family. First book is AZ (4 out so far). DD liked them, step up from MTH, about 100pp and the Kindle version is $3.



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I'll have to look through our books tomorrow. My aunt and uncle live in AZ and always sent my kids AZ or desert books for birthdays and Christmas.


Two we received were mentioned already:

Desert Giant and Cactus Hotel


I'll have to see what else they sent us that I'm not remembering.


4 more I just found on the shelf:


Alejandro's Gift

Cactus Cafe: A story of the Sonoran Desert

Katie of the Sonoran Desert

Look Who Lives in the Desert - Bouncing and Pouncing, Hiding and Gliding, Sleeping and Creeping


Also they gave us one about Javelinas I think it was this one:

Don't Call me a Pig



eta: I know nothing about this one but my daughter enjoys the series this is in

Real Kids, Real Places The Ghost of the Grand Canyon

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