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3 month old babies

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I tried asking this question along with another question and didn't get any response, so I'm splitting them up:


1. 3 month old babies. It's been a while. She likes going on the playmat and she enjoys being pushed in the stroller. She mostly just coos and pees and poops and falls asleep when I put her in the bouncy chair. That's what she's doing now. She's been a little fussy the past few days, not wanting to eat as much as usual.


How much sleep during the day is normal? I know all babies vary, but this one just takes little 10-15 min. catnaps.

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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I have twins about that age. One will nap for a couple hours at a stretch, while the other is a catnapped like you describe. So it really does vary. The long napper also sleeps the longest stretch at night, although the shorter napper does still usually get a good 5 hour stretch in before the first waking. If we drive somewhere and I bring them into the house in their bucket-style carseats, they'll often both nap longer stretches.


So this probably doesn't help at all. Just when you think you have a baby figured out, they'll change their behavior anyway. :001_smile:


Erica in OR

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Some babies are just like that. My son was like that his whole life. He was NEVER the type of baby to just fall asleep and sleep for hours like his sisters- he "cat napped," usually falling asleep when I nursed him, and waking up shortly after I attempted to put him down. Rinse and repeat. Forever and ever. For every nap, every night, always. He's six now. It never got better through his entire baby and toddlerhood lol. He was just that kind of kid. Though he did tend to nap pretty well on long car rides!

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I had one that catnapped, IF she napped at all, from the time she was a very new infant. I was afraid that the lack of sleep was going to damage her permanently, but I finally had to conclude that she just needed A LOT less sleep than her peers.


She was also cranky and fussy and picky about who could hold her. She got a lot easier when she became mobile, and SO MUCH easier when she became verbal. She was an easier 2 yo than she was an infant. She's a bright, advanced kid and we sometimes joke that she was just really bored as a baby (I think it's true!) :D

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Some babies are just like that. My son was like that his whole life. He was NEVER the type of baby to just fall asleep and sleep for hours like his sisters- he "cat napped," usually falling asleep when I nursed him, and waking up shortly after I attempted to put him down. Rinse and repeat. Forever and ever. For every nap, every night, always. He's six now. It never got better through his entire baby and toddlerhood lol. He was just that kind of kid. Though he did tend to nap pretty well on long car rides!


My first daughter was exactly like this. She sleeps great at night.now thankfully (at age 4). My younger daughter actually takes naps. I couldn't believe it when she was born lol.

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