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American History video course?


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We're just not getting to history. We're spending so much time on the 3Rs, and science, that history is just languishing.


Does anyone have any good video recommendations for 5th grade history? I'd really like something sequential, going from Native Americans through Westward Expansion, and covering the highlights in between (immigration, colonies, American Revolution, etc.).


Any ideas?

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I have heard good things about the Drive thru History series. We own The Presidents by History Channel which has a section on each president and the events that took place during his life. We own America the Story of US also by History Channel and like them. My kids absolutely LOVE How the States Got Their Shapes but it is not sequential.


Drive Thru History American History:




America The Story of Us:

http://www.amazon.com/America-The-Story-Liev-Schreiber/dp/B003C27X44/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1332854857&sr=1-1 (I have seen this one on Netflix Streaming)


The Presidents:



How the States Got Their Shapes:

http://www.amazon.com/How-States-Got-Their-Shapes/dp/B005ELVCDY/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1332855223&sr=1-1 (You can DVR upcoming episodes)




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  • 6 months later...

We'll be using History At Our House this year. Dd will be doing the new Asian history using the once a week live class, with the recordings option the other 3 days. You can do all live classes. We'll also do the recordings for American history for the whole family.





Sandy, could you tell me more about History at Our House? Can you start in the middle of a year or do you need to begin in September or whenever the semester starts? When is it offered (during the day)? How much time does it take? How much does it cost?




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We ended up dropping out of it. My dd was doing the once per week live classes and kept missing them. We just decided to start back with American Hstory. I'm not doing Mr. Powell's AH though. You can sign up for his recordings at any time. I think it's $20 per month. I would definitely consider using his courses again in the future.

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