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Owl Pellet Dissection


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We just did a family dissection of owl pellets I bought from Home Science Tools. It was really cool! My dd (4yo) actually loved it the most. Go figure!


I bought two kits and they were so cheap. My dd had a small one and it had probably 15 bones in it including 2 skulls. My ds had one a little larger and he had 5 skulls including a large one we classified as a rat. The 3 page sheets that come with the kit are a wealth of information and really cool for trying to classify the bones.


Overall, we were thrilled and are definitely ordering more. Now, tomorrow we are on to our major dissection of the 5 basic animals :001_huh:

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We just did a family dissection of owl pellets I bought from Home Science Tools. It was really cool! My dd (4yo) actually loved it the most. Go figure!


I bought two kits and they were so cheap. My dd had a small one and it had probably 15 bones in it including 2 skulls. My ds had one a little larger and he had 5 skulls including a large one we classified as a rat. The 3 page sheets that come with the kit are a wealth of information and really cool for trying to classify the bones.


Overall, we were thrilled and are definitely ordering more. Now, tomorrow we are on to our major dissection of the 5 basic animals :001_huh:


I have a kit. I was waiting for nice weather to do it outside. It's getting nice out now, so I should plan this soon. Someone told me once they they soaked their pellets in some bleach water for a little while first. :confused: Did you do that?? Also, how are you doing major dissection of the 5 basic animals? :bigear:

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That's encouraging! Our hs group is doing a science based co-op using the owl pellets on Fri mornings in the month of April. I'd not heard of them before that but I'm excited and hope the kids get enough hands on time with them. If not, I'll have to order them for some summer studies :)

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Thanks for sharing! I might have to order some of the real ones. My dd got some fake plastic owl pellets for Christmas. She was really looking forward to it, but once she heard it was plastic it just wasn't as cool. It's just one complete plastic skeleton and it's labeled exactly what animal it represents.


I think she'd have much more fun mucking around in a real one and trying to figure out what it is.

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Hmm, now you're tempting me. Only on WTM can one be tempted by owl pellets!



Don't forget mummified chickens! I mentioned dissecting owl pellets to Ariel a month ago and she keeps asking when I'm going to order them. Who knew owl vomit would be such a cause for excitement?

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