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Furniture slipcovers....

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Any recommendations for a good place to find these? Our current sofa and big chair are falling apart (ripping at seams). We're not at a place to buy new furniture right now, so I'd like something temporary (1-2 years) that will cover what we have and stay looking nice.

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I have purchased the "good" slipcovers. I think you would be better off just using a large piece of fabric or a blanket tucked in to cover. One hint to help it stay is to use a piece of pvc pipe to squish it between the seat cushions and the back.

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We got white "drop cloth" style slipcovers from Ugly Sofa for less than half the price of Pottery Barn.
:iagree: A friend just got beautiful (Pottery Barn) slipcovers at Ugly Sofa for insanely cheap. I wish they had them large enough for my ridiculously huge sofa.
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I recommend a drop cloth from a hardware store or a sheet/bedspread from the thrift store. To make these stay in place go to Joann's or a place like it and get upholstery tacks and tack the heck out of it. Or use a staple gun if you just plan to get rid of the furniture later anyway.

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I got mine at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I have tried the cheap ones that just hang and have ties to help hold them in place. They don't stand up to my squirmy ds8. I have tried the intermediate priced stretchy ones - they're better, but ds can still wreck them. I absolutely love the more expensive (around $100) 2 piece stretchy ones that have separate covers for the cushions and the body of the sofa. They stay in place no matter what ds does. Until he spills something on them, then I take them off and wash them. :)

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We have Surefit covers. I'm on my fifth set just because I enjoy changing out the colors from time to time (I sew new valances for the window and a couple of throw pillows, and voila a whole new look.) I have washed my Surefits many times and have been pleased; they retain their color and shape. I do not dry them though. I have a set that ties and has more of a heavy duck fabric. (I don't know what it is really called). But it requires a tremendous amount of ironing!!! The sets with the stretchy fabric (kind of a ribbed corduroy look) never need ironing and stay in place better. I am too cheap to use pvc; I have rolled up magazines crammed into the crevices to hold them in place. It works like a charm, and yes I have the squirmy kid and two large dogs who lay on the sofa. Walmart carries Surefit, but our store has a very limited selection so I usually end up going to Walmart.com and they deliver to my store for free. Good-luck :001_smile:

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