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Mattresses and, er, um...pee

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DD3's mattress got a good soaking the other night.... She slept without her nighttime pull up. I bathed and changed her at 2am, stripped the bed, but did not do anything else to the mattress. (DD slept on the floor)


Next day the mattress had dried, so now what? I'm grossed out.

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BioKleen Bac-Out or Nature's Miracle. I would re-moisten the area and then go over it with one of the above. I usually use BioKleen but have heard lots of people recommend Nature's miracle. Both are enzyme based cleaners and will break down the smell waaay better than anything else. They don't just cover up the smell, kwim?

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I second everything. Bac-out and a waterproof mattress cover. I have also used baking soda to soak up the wetness. Since it is already dry, you might want to get it rather wet in the affected area, use Bac-out, but then dump on a ton of baking soda to pull out the wetness. You can scrape off most of the soggy baking soda, let the rest dry, and vacuum it. Then put the mattress out in direct sunlight for most of the day. The sun will finish the drying, as well as disinfect.

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Definitely get a mattress cover after you've cleaned the mattress. We have the ones that are rubbery on one side and the side that is "up" is soft. It is comfortable to sleep on and not only guards against pee (which we no longer have to worry about) but also puke. :ack2: They are easily machine washable.

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Chiming back in to suggest wool as a mattress cover ...


I shared a bed with my much-younger sister, who peed the bed for years after our brother died. We kept a wool pad between the sheets and the futon. I thought everyone did this until I spent the night at a friend's house as an adult, and slept in her daughter's room. She had one of those plastic covers on her bed, and it was so awful. It made noises when I moved, and it felt hot/sweaty all night long. I didn't like it at all! She had no idea because she didn't sleep with her kids LOL.


Our kids usually sleep naked, and I've always used a wool pad with them. They make them the entire size of a mattress, though. Here's an example: http://www.whitelotus.net/wool-topper-with-natural-green-cotton-case/ but I'm sure you can find them elsewhere, too, probably for less. (I just like that company myself.)


It's pricier, but worthwhile and something you can continue to use long after the leaking nights have passed.

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You've plenty of suggestions for cleaning up so this is another prevention suggestion. I always used one of the waterproof covers that has a soft top, like flannelette. Then I put another waterproof pad over the sleeping area, followed by a fitted sheet. So, if there is an accident, you whip off the fitted sheet and pad, leaving another waterproof yet soft enough to sleep on layer. It makes it a much quicker and easier job.:001_smile:

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I used vinegar.


I also use this:




Cotton, wool, waterproof on both kids beds, then I also use:




over top of the sheets to help cut down on laundry.


My DD9 still wets the bed if she's overtired and/or in emotional/stressful times. Thankfully it's getting fewer and further between incidences, but at one point in time I was washing pee bedding e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y. until we discovered some food issues (milk, in particular) that were the main cause of the bed wetting.

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