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Singapore IP vs. EP


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For use in addition to MUS as our main program, do you recommend SM IP (intensive practice) or EP (extra practice)? This would be along with CWP. Or is CWP alone plenty without either IP or EP? I am not clear on whether IP is more rigorous than EP or just twice the amount? And I am not clear on whether there are things that would get covered by IP or EP that aren't in MUS plus CWP. Thanks!

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The EP books also don't have a lot more practice. In some cases it's a similar amount to the workbook; in some cases it's less.


IP is definitely more rigorous than the EP or workbooks.


The advantage since you're not using the textbooks is that the EP books have a brief overview of the topic, so there'd be some "teaching" there. The IP books only rarely have any teaching.


I haven't seen the "new" CWP books. I think the first few word problems in the IP books are often easier than the CWP initial problems but the later word problems in the IP are similar to the challenge problems in CWP - and the Challenge problems in IP aren't in CWP at all :)


IP gives you a broader overview than CWP - which is all word problems (in old version). EP is easy.

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Thank you for all replies thus far. I now get that IP is more rigourous, but am still not clear on whether anything would be added by getting IP or EP on top of CWP plus MUS. bump up in case the "night crew" might have some more thoughts

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IP can be hard, has some exercises that are approached differently than in the wkbkm, txbk. EP is not necessary of you do the rest (txbk, wkbk, CWP and IP) but since you are just supplementing, I do not know what to say.

My dd thinks CWP is easier than IP :-)She is 8.5

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I have no idea about what they'd add to MUS because I'm not familiar with that program. The CWP and IP are challenging in different ways. While the IP has some word problems (it's already been mentioned that CWP has tougher problems), IP has problems that can't be written out, like pattern recognition, visual puzzles, mazes, scale problems, etc.

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Ugh, I really couldn't tell you which one we'd pick if only doing one. CWP contains worked examples, so they kind of teach the children how to approach the problems. IP just throws them right in. Plus, I don't want to mislead you, there are word problems in IP, but most are accompanied by some little graphic that helps the child visualize the problem (not so with CWP, where it's almost always words only).

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If you're doing only one, and not using other Singapore materials, I might go for the CWP. Like PP said, it has examples, and it really is a bit more standalone. The IP is a great product, but it has limited teaching in it, so it may be frustrating if you get to a concept you haven't covered or aren't sure what they're trying to do. Just my two cents. :)

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. Plus, I don't want to mislead you, there are word problems in IP, but most are accompanied by some little graphic that helps the child visualize the problem (not so with CWP, where it's almost always words only).


I don't remember visuals in the IP word problems. In 5A mult/div of 2 digit #s, there are 15 word problems after 10 numbered problems of more basic arithmetic, including showing the distributive property for multiplication as a mental technique.


The CWP does have a couple of examples before starting problems though and it is rare that the IP has examples.

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I don't remember visuals in the IP word problems. In 5A mult/div of 2 digit #s, there are 15 word problems after 10 numbered problems of more basic arithmetic, including showing the distributive property for multiplication as a mental technique.


Perhaps the poster who said that has only used the lower levels of IP. In the 1A/B levels, there are more visuals in the IP than the CWP. The same is not true for the higher levels.

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