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Online Latin courses...can I get some recommendations please.

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I believe Florida Virtual School has some online Latin courses, which are free if you are in-state. Otherwise, I would check out the Scholars Online for a top-rated course (we haven't used it but hear it is excellent).


The one we are considering is the Lukeion Project, which might be interesting.



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You might look into "The Lukeion Project."


I don't have personal experience with this group, but have friends that are happy with their on-line Wheelock's Latin class. I am considering it for my 9th grader next year.


I have heard the Barrs (owners and instructors) speak at a state homeschool convention, and I was quite impressed. Amy Barr is a dynamic speaker, and the company appears to be very professionally run.





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You might think about what your long-term Latin plans are. If your child is planning on studying Latin through the AP level, I would encourage you to do Latin with a school/program that does offer the higher levels of Latin.


Switching programs can be difficult! My children took one year of Latin from Wes Callihan and then tried to do the second year through Scholars Online/Regina Coeli (they were merged at that time). Neither of my children passed the placement exam!!!!! (Honestly, they are very good students!) So ds switched to Greek (with Scholars Online) and dd ended up doing a wild 6 months' tutorial and then joining a Latin 3 class midyear. The whole experience was quite stressful for everybody.


Dd did end up doing AP Latin with Scholars Online (which was a great class) and she did end up with a 5 on the AP Latin Vergil exam, so she has fulfilled her college's foreign language requirement, but we would not recommend the route she took!


My younger two children are doing Latin 1 through Regina Coeli and we are VERY happy with it.

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Our hands down favorite is Regina Coeli's online Wheelock courses. My oldest did Latin I-II with Scholar's Online, then Latin III with Regina Coeli. My middle has done Latin I-II with Regina Coeli and wants to continue with III next year.


We have found Regina Coeli to provide more regular student support and teaching that extends beyond the textbook. It also has a live audio component, which Scholars Online did not have when we oldest dd was in their courses. I personally believe that Scholars Online Latin is best for exceptionally self-motivated or interested students. My daughter was neither. YMMV.



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