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"It doesn't make any sense!"

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That has become DS10s catch phrase for EVERYTHING! He uses it in every. single. subject. Not because I haven't explained the topic in multiple ways. Not because it's too complicated for him. Not because he doesn't "get" it. Instead, I think, it's an attempt to frustrate me to the point where I give up. Don't worry, I won't let him win this little game of his. It is just slowly driving me insane.




"When multiplying and carrying numbers over from the ones to the tens, you have to add that number back in rather than multiply it or forget about it. You "saved" those tens to be added in later." We've been over this literally hundreds of times, yet he still says "It doesn't make any sense."


"Verbs describe action or state of being. You know this. Find the verb in the sentence." "Um..... dog???" "No, dog is a noun. Try again." "But it doesn't make any sense." "A noun is a person, place, thing or idea while a verb shows action or state of being. Dog cannot be an action." "But that doesn't make any sense."




I KNOW he gets it but he is just trying to wear me down. Am I the only one who has a kid who does this?

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Sometimes they really don't get it though.


Or some times it just is so totally irrelevant to their lives.


I think the latter is probably the issue. However, I will not abandon basic education in lieu of video games, sports, and playtime with friends no matter how much he would like that, lol!

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Oh yes, they all have some similar delay technique. Come back at him with a response that you can use over and over and eventually he'll stop. To the "It doesn't make sense." I used to say "It will and if you're still struggling later we'll do more problems." Said with a smile motivating and not threatening. ;)

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"It must not be making sense because your brain needs more oxygen. Give me 20 push-ups and then try it again." Repeat ad nauseum. See who gets worn down first. :D


Love this one. Will use it.


The one I use from time to time is -

Just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense.


Do you really think you're better at math than Sal Khan?

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