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Help! I don't know the proper protocol

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My mother had ladies and men cleaning her home and working in her yard all of her life. She never "tipped" them, she gave them presents for Christmas, and something as a summer vacation gift. These increased over time, like any job. At some point, when a housekeeper, and once for a gardener, my dad would do their taxes, plus, pay their social security. Mother spent time and effort making sure her gifts were exactly what was needed: our sweet old lady babysitter needed a purse, so we bought two and she chose the one she liked.


In these days and times, I would give cash or a gift card as a gift, in a nice envelope. I give my mail lady and my UPS man gift cards to Target. I give them each $25, but I live in the country and they are my Amazon lifeline, and have been with me for years. I"m not sure if that's high or low, but its a lot for my budget. Their reaction tells me that its a lot.


Oh, I did think of a time you might give your cleaning lady extra pay: if she did something for you on the weekend. Mother might need someone to stay at the house during a funeral or wedding, or to help with a special event and, in that case, it would be like any job: overtime or off-schedule rate hike.


My mother was quite professional about these things, before her time, I think.

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How do I find out her birthday? I mean besides just asking.


And how much on birthday and Christmas?


I only know my housekeeper's birthday because she's on facebook. lol


Pay differs depending on where you live. I give her basically a day's pay for those days in addition to what she makes for the day.

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