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'Oregon Trail' Question


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I wanted to get my ds the Oregon Trail game that we played on the computer when we were kids (obviously the updated one!) I found this at RR,




but it says it's for grades 8+. Is that accurate? The Oregon Trail game that I'm thinking of was in elementary school. You had to buy your supplies and then try to make it down the trail (hunt for food, ford the river, etc.) I don't want it if they've changed it and made it for high schoolers b/c this is for my elementary kids.

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We played it before 8th grade, for sure. My husband actually has a copy of the original, and has played it with our 5 year old. He has no problem with the game, or the concept behind it. Maybe because we live in Oregon and go to Oregon Trail landmarks, but even if we didn't, I don't imagine an elementary school aged child would have problems understanding it.

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It's a totally different game from the text version I played in the early 80's... But it is pretty cool. You don't have to wait until 8th grade to play it, but it's possible young kids might get a little frustrated. My girls love playing it. My 8 yr old can't really play it alone -- she usually tries and gives up. They haven't technically survived the trip yet. They tend to get too caught up with which clothes they want to buy or whether they need one pot or two. Regardless, definitely read the help guide for educational information that will help you win the game.

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We borrowed the CDrom from the library. It is different from what we played as kids, but still interesting. There were a lot more choices as to what supplies to buy, etc. Some parts are a little dull (just going along the trail with occasional obstacles).


There is also an ipad app that the kids prefer over the CDrom. I don't think the CDrom has hunting, but the app does. I haven't played the app myself, so I don't know that much about it but the kids like it.

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I wanted to get my ds the Oregon Trail game that we played on the computer when we were kids (obviously the updated one!) I found this at RR,




but it says it's for grades 8+. Is that accurate? The Oregon Trail game that I'm thinking of was in elementary school. You had to buy your supplies and then try to make it down the trail (hunt for food, ford the river, etc.) I don't want it if they've changed it and made it for high schoolers b/c this is for my elementary kids.


We have that same edition. It says right on the front of the cover for ages 9+ . Our 8 & 6 yo dss just played it yesterday without any trouble. They get it out a few times a week.

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DD likes the iPod app. I think I got it for .99.


I want an updated "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego". I've got the old, Apple II version with an emulator, but a lot of the country names have changed since I was spending hours trying to track down Carmen. I think a Carmen iPad app would be brilliant.

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You can actually play the old version online for free. I found this a few months ago, and my kids enjoyed it. It's just like the one we played in elementary school.



I'm hoping the link works. Select "apple II emulator"


:lol::lol::lol: Awesome.

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