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Free IQ testing (WPPSI)


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All things considered, would you recommend this route to someone who otherwise has the money (even if a bit of a sacrifice) to pay for testing? Like, is the quality/comprehensiveness of the testing for this study the same as having it done privately?


you won't get the full report from this, just the score, so if you have a 'reason' for wanting testing beyond just wanting to know a number, I'd pay the money instead.

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I wound up applying, but I still feel ambivalent. We decided that we'd wait to see if they contact us before we make a final decision about whether to pursue testing.



I was thinking along the same lines. I don't know I'd it's too late to apply but I was considering it. We traveled a lot this month and I missed the initial message. I fluctuate between thinking the testing is unnecessary and thinking I should do it in case we want to enter programs in the future that require it.

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My daughter was tested the other day and she really enjoyed it. She left saying she really liked what she had been doing with the tester. We got great positive feedback right then and will be interested in getting the results in the fall.


I think for her it took about 3 hrs but we had been told it was taking 4 for many kids but I imagine it can be different for every kid. The reason it takes so long is that they have to do all the sections and the kids keep going and going, lol.


To us it was worth it - we may choose to retest her in a year if we decide we want to apply to DYS or do anything that requires full results but for now we just wanted an idea of how she learns as she is our 'sneaky' smart one, not always so obvious. We got immediate feedback on some stuff that day regarding her memory with both visual and auditory. So I'd just say it depends on why you want testing done as to whether it's worth it or not.

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Why wouldn't DYS accept these results? I thought we were getting a FSIQ out of it :confused:


I'm not sure they would or wouldn't - but we would also need achievement testing done so if they wouldn't be accepted then we would retest at that time. I'm hoping they would qualify if we did decide to go that route (only would so both kids could participate in things like the summit)

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A full written report is necessary to meet the qualification criteria. Of course, they will bend the rules for the right child.


That was my understanding as well and I believe we will only be getting the scores she didn't even think we will get the individual subtest scores but wasn't sure. It was very easy to apply with DS - I had IQ and achievment and did include a few things for portfolio but would rather not have to figure out what to send for DD if I don't have to. I guess if you had the score and no report they might accept it IF you included a portfolio and some form of achievement but that is something we will worry about later if need be :)


ETA: Oh and since this is the WPPSI-IV they may have to adjust the qualifying scores on that one anyways it may not match the WPPSI-III. The point of this testing is for them to figure out the extended scoring on the test.

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DYS doesn't even require an IQ score at all if the student has talent search testing, so I don't think they are going to turn a child down for having just a FSIQ rather than a full written report.




Wouldn't that be with the talent search and the portfolio then?


From looking at their site, it looks like they want 2 of the 3: IQ, Achievement (can be talent search testing), portfolio.

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Wouldn't that be with the talent search and the portfolio then?


From looking at their site, it looks like they want 2 of the 3: IQ, Achievement (can be talent search testing), portfolio.


This is correct. I think if you have qualifying IQ testing scores without a full report, they won't use it as two of the three required choices. But the high IQ score will probably help the application, if you have qualifying achievement scores and decent portfolios.

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DYS doesn't even require an IQ score at all if the student has talent search testing, so I don't think they are going to turn a child down for having just a FSIQ rather than a full written report.

Talent search testing is not a substitution for an IQ report for DYS admissions purposes, but a form of achievement testing.

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DYS doesn't even require an IQ score at all if the student has talent search testing, so I don't think they are going to turn a child down for having just a FSIQ rather than a full written report.


DS was accepted at 5 so was too young for talent search but if I read correctly they need an IQ AND achivement or talent search. So the talent search can be in place of achievement. Of course you can do a portfolio instead of either iq or achivement(talent search) but not both.

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