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I did it, I finally did it!

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It might seem silly, but I actually got over my weight-loss plateau!!!!!!! I know, it sounds super strange for me to be excited over something so tiny, but I am just overjoyed. I lost the last 3 stubborn lbs and now weight 122lbs!!!!:lol:


What did I do, I follwed the advice my Nanna past on to my mom, who wanted it past on to me when I struggled with weight. But before, let me say what I did before I lost the weight. Before I tried a mixture of fad diets that failed within the first two weeks, then I tried South Beach Diet which only worked if I really restricted my food. But I dipised it and started to feel sick about two weeks ago, my doctor said I wasn't recieving proper nutrition.:glare:


So I scrapped that diet, and my mom told me what my Nanna told her, and it all made perfect sense. My Nanna was very petite, about 5'4", and weighed 100 or so lbs (she was petite!), and was active, she walked everywhere, and never really sat still. What really got me was the size portions I vaguely remember her eating before she fell and broke her hips. When we went over her house, she would always eat normal food, but never too much. Her plate was filled accordingly, and she NEVER went for seconds, always had a large glass of water with her meals, and desserts were saved for the weekend or special occasions. And when she did eat dessert, it was a small portion, no seconds, with either tea, coffee, or water. And she said to never eat unless you were hungry, if you feel a craving drink a glass of water and eat a few crackers, nuts, raisins, granola or whatever and wait for the main meal or dessert.


I have followed that advice, and lost 3lbs in two weeks, I am enjoying eating regular food again, but still eating healthy and happily. I have no more stress, my face has color again, I feel better, and I am eating so much better. Some tips I found helpful were when food was served, take a moderate portion along with a glass of water (I do not drink soda, or any sugary drinks, just milk, water, coffee, or tea) and the moment you finish tell yourself I am done and immediately dispose of the plate. This prevents any temptations to return for second helpings. If you are having your favorite dessert, enjoy it! Don't shove it down your throat and try to return for more, savor each bite and wash down with your favorite drink (no sugary drinks!) Stay active, walking up and down stairs, standing longer than sitting, walking to the store, or pacing the hallway while thinking is better than sitting down! Stay away from the foods that are known to be bad, no fried foods (certain occasions but limit) no sugary drinks, and no candy unless you have a small craving.;)


This is how I lost weight, my jeans fit and are getting too big actually (shopping!), my health has improved, and I feel like a giant load has lifted off me. I sure miss my Nanna, but am glad to have a mom to pass on the wisdom of the older generation.:)


ADD: Just thought I'd share, I was a little excited lol!:D

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