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We got a phone call this weekend

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telling us that my dsds bio mother was picked up by the sheriff's dept because she was out and about saying the TV was basically talking to her/sending her messages. She was supposedly voluntarily hospitalized. The other person said that she was told something about her having schizophrenia and that she was basically noncompliant about medications.


The last couple of months she has been coming to our car and opening our car door during drop off/pick up. My husband did not like this and wanted me to come with him during drop off and pick up. I finally had to confront the woman about it considering at court she said she didn;t want us to come to her car etc 3 years ago or so.


Last weekend her husband came to our car to tell us the FBI was going to contact us because either his or the bio mom's facebook got hacked and that it was standard procedure for the FBI to contact his circle of people. Anyways I know one of his circle people and that person said that they were not contacted. Funny thing is we don;t even have face book and it is blocked in our house! In general he has been ready hostile to both my husband and I.


Anyways for years now she has been stealing my husband's name and social security numbers and opening credit card and att accounts. We get sudden collection agencies sending us stuff or it is on his credit report. We have reported to the police and the companies. In addition she sends us a lot of strange emails and is always complaining about the care the kids are getting etc etc. My husband and many other people have confirmed she is a liar and a manipulator. She has a history of buying perscription medications online. Xanax or dexedrine or who knows what and falls asleep at the drop of a hat-mid sentence in conversations etc.


I was called last wednesday and told that her husband was leaving her hence it could be that was setting her off to go off the deep end or she was doing this to gain his attention or get him back. She has always found ways to manipulate them (4-5 husbands) and make them feel sorry for her. She has 10 kids and at this point none of them live with her. Most of the girls are/were all teen/unwed mothers except for I think one daughter. I was told by one of the daughters at one point that the girls were better off with us than her. Two of her teen sons have been kicked out of school. The other son I have heard no news on him-jail?


However despite all that she was able to get joint custody of the girls and the girls see her every other weekend from sat 10-sun 6:30 with full residence with my husband and I. She has been inconsistent with the visitations a few times.


So we get this phone call and the person telling me this information tells me that if we go investigating about all this now they will no longer talk to us and give us information. The kids are due up for a visitation this coming Sat. what are we going to do? We have not gotten a phone call from bio mom or any of the kids or from the ex husband. I don;t know what to believe and worried for the safety of the girls.


So I guess we just wait and see for this Saturday? Some suggested that we should follow her to be sure the kids are safe or what? That sounds stalkerish. In general though despite all of this, I have never had an indication that she has ever physically harmed her 10 kids. Neglect yes, emotionally and verbally abused yes (saying stuff like I wish you were never born or you are the worse daughter in the world because the child misplaced a sandal) but not physical abuse. So far the men she has picked have not been sexual predators either. Any ideas?

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I don't know. Isn't there some person in some position of authority who handles such matters? As far as stealing financial information, that is illegal. Why has she not been charged for a crime? Your DH should do a high level fraud alert with credit bureaus which requires a police report to put into place. A low level fraud alert can be requested without a police report. My DH got a high level fraud alert and any attempt to open something in his name is directed to him for personal authorization. It's a hassle for us but it will make it more difficult for someone to steal our identity again.

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telling us that my dsds bio mother was picked up by the sheriff's dept because she was out and about saying the TV was basically talking to her/sending her messages. She was supposedly voluntarily hospitalized. The other person said that she was told something about her having schizophrenia and that she was basically noncompliant about medications.


The last couple of months she has been coming to our car and opening our car door during drop off/pick up. My husband did not like this and wanted me to come with him during drop off and pick up. I finally had to confront the woman about it considering at court she said she didn;t want us to come to her car etc 3 years ago or so.


Last weekend her husband came to our car to tell us the FBI was going to contact us because either his or the bio mom's facebook got hacked and that it was standard procedure for the FBI to contact his circle of people. Anyways I know one of his circle people and that person said that they were not contacted. Funny thing is we don;t even have face book and it is blocked in our house! In general he has been ready hostile to both my husband and I.


Anyways for years now she has been stealing my husband's name and social security numbers and opening credit card and att accounts. We get sudden collection agencies sending us stuff or it is on his credit report. We have reported to the police and the companies. In addition she sends us a lot of strange emails and is always complaining about the care the kids are getting etc etc. My husband and many other people have confirmed she is a liar and a manipulator. She has a history of buying perscription medications online. Xanax or dexedrine or who knows what and falls asleep at the drop of a hat-mid sentence in conversations etc.


I was called last wednesday and told that her husband was leaving her hence it could be that was setting her off to go off the deep end or she was doing this to gain his attention or get him back. She has always found ways to manipulate them (4-5 husbands) and make them feel sorry for her. She has 10 kids and at this point none of them live with her. Most of the girls are/were all teen/unwed mothers except for I think one daughter. I was told by one of the daughters at one point that the girls were better off with us than her. Two of her teen sons have been kicked out of school. The other son I have heard no news on him-jail?


However despite all that she was able to get joint custody of the girls and the girls see her every other weekend from sat 10-sun 6:30 with full residence with my husband and I. She has been inconsistent with the visitations a few times.


So we get this phone call and the person telling me this information tells me that if we go investigating about all this now they will no longer talk to us and give us information. The kids are due up for a visitation this coming Sat. what are we going to do? We have not gotten a phone call from bio mom or any of the kids or from the ex husband. I don;t know what to believe and worried for the safety of the girls.


So I guess we just wait and see for this Saturday? Some suggested that we should follow her to be sure the kids are safe or what? That sounds stalkerish. In general though despite all of this, I have never had an indication that she has ever physically harmed her 10 kids. Neglect yes, emotionally and verbally abused yes (saying stuff like I wish you were never born or you are the worse daughter in the world because the child misplaced a sandal) but not physical abuse. So far the men she has picked have not been sexual predators either. Any ideas?



This "picked up by the sheriff's department because she said the TV was sending her messages" information alone should have you on the phone with your attorney to get some kind of court order temporarily halting the visitation. The woman sounds like a nut.


Also, I don't understand why she's not in prison for her crimes against your dh. Identity theft is a serious crime and can be prosecuted. Haven't you taken legal action against her for any of the things she has done? Could that be why this obviously unstable woman still has partial custody of the children? I know you said she has never harmed the kids in the past, but maybe the TV wasn't talking to her back then.


I apologize if I'm interpreting the situation incorrectly, but it just doesn't make sense to me that you appear to be letting your dh's ex get away with criminal behavior, as well as possibly allowing her to spend time alone with the kids after she said the TV was talking to her. :confused:


I'm sorry you're stuck dealing with such an unstable person, but it sounds to me like it's time for legal action. Immediately.

Edited by Catwoman
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and they did nothing because they were once married.


Also we went to court and despite everything---including bringing emails and such ---they still were interested in getting the girls involved with their mother.

She literally had minimal with the girls for about a year or so even and then no contact after we were married for a few months. She claimed husband kidnapped them and called the sheriff's dept. on us.


At that time we didn;t know about the TV talking to her. And the drugs...no proof because they are prescription drugs...no test for them really..we did ask for a hair test but that showed nothing because again it doesn;t test for prescriptions drugs.


Yes we are in contact with a lawyer. Document Document. Nothing else can be done.

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I would be circling the wagons, First I don't care if someone threatened to stop telling me stuff, I would be researching this further. If she was arrested wouldn't you be able to find that information in public files? Second I would be getting an emergency hearing to cancel all visitation until it is deemed safe for the girls.


Do you have a way to contact the newest ex husband? Maybe he can corroborate what you are hearing about her drug use and behaviour towards the girls.


I have never heard some someone commiting a federal offense against an ex spouse being let off the hook. I would push again talking to a different cop. Some think that way, but the law is the law. It's like when I was raped by an exboyfriend, the day before we were still together and "together" the next day when we broke up he raped me. The cop I spoke to when I called told me they would never charge him because I said yes teh day before. Some cops do not take their jobs seriously and think they get to decide who is charged and who isn't. As long as you have solid proof it is her doing it I would push the matter further because it is a major crime, as long as you have proof and not just a belief that it is her they cna't blow you off.

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forget him....he is hostile and doesnt like us at all. not workable situation..if he cared he would have emailed us or contacted ...he wouldn't have come up to our car and say the fbi would be contacting us..he is bogus...if anything else he is also looney bin too. In fact he was the one who helped with the fraudulent accounts.The companies had recorded that they had to contact the husband to be sure it was ok to open the account and they called the number she wrote down in her application which was the phone number where they were living in and said a male answered confirming that it was ok to open the accounts. So he was part of it. This was three years ago with this one account.

Edited by happycc
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