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Ultra sensitive kid

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I don't know WHAT is going on with my 12 year old. He used to make friends everywhere he went, was fun loving, laughed a lot, etc...


All of a sudden he is VERY sensitive to things people say to him. There is a homeschool group with lots of boys and some of them joke around a lot, saying things like "Hey, did you take a shower today?" and then holding their noses.....they ALL do it to EVERYONE, but my 12 year old now takes it all personally and gets upset.


He asked me yesterday to tell one of the moms to tell her son to stop.


I really don't want to make this an issue......I am trying very hard to get him to understand that this is how some boys joke around and that nothing is meant by it. He isn't buying it.


This is NOT my Aspie son.


How can I help him to mellow out?



Edited by DawnM
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It sounds like hormones are at play here. I don't have answers for you as I grew up with sisters, and I'm also trying to raise boys. They are complex creatures! Just want to pass along a :grouphug:. I'm sure the ladies here will have some great answers!

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It could be. He is feeling quite sorry for himself today and crying at the drop of a hat.


I really don't know what to do to help him.


If you figure it out let me know.


My ds12 also seems to be undergoing a personality change. It comes and goes. Super outgoing then pouting in a corner saying he doesn't need friends.


Sensitive also.


I don't know how much is 12 year old stuff and how much has to do with our life changes.

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I really don't want to make this an issue......I am trying very hard to get him to understand that this is how some boys joke around and that nothing is meant by it. He isn't buying it.



My boys accept these kinds of truths from their father much more readily than they will from me.

It also helps for boys to hear friendly ribbing occur between their father and his friends to understand that boundaries still exist when joking; some topics are fair game, some aren't.

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Wow! you're describing my soon to be 12 yr old! Today he went from laughing at some jokes around the table to crying about it a few seconds later. Add to that a sister going through similar changes and remind me to hold on for the ride!:tongue_smilie:

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