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Phantom Tollbooth ?

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We attend a book club for kids ages 6-9. They are all fairly strong readers. We've just read Frindle by Andrew Clements, and the next book is Ribsy by Beverly Cleary. I've never read The Phantom Tollbooth, and wondered if it would be appropriate for this age group.




I never read it as a child, but am reading it as a read aloud to my kids. My DS1 is 8 and an advanced reader for his age. He enjoys The Phantom Tollbooth, but I still have to explain some of the puns and word play to him. He has a big vocabulary and understands a good bit of the humor and wit, but I think a year or two ago that would not have been the case. He might have been able to read it, but much of it would have gone over his head. It is nothing like Ribsy, for example, which he was reading at age 6 or so and comprehending just fine.


I think the 8 and 9 year olds might enjoy it, but I think a good bit of it would be over the heads of a 6 or 7 yo. I read things to my children all of the time that are beyond their reading level, but the wit, wordplay, humor, etc. in the PT book really wouldn't be fully appreciated by the youngest children IMO.

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I loved this book! I tried reading it as a read aloud to my daughter when she was around 7. She is a very strong reader. The book is full of puns and those puns must be understood to enjoy this book.


She could read the words, but did not understand the puns.She hated the book. She read it again at 10 and it is now one of her favorite books.



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I loved this book! I tried reading it as a read aloud to my daughter when she was around 7. She is a very strong reader. The book is full of puns and those puns must be understood to enjoy this book.


She could read the words, but did not understand the puns.She hated the book. She read it again at 10 and it is now one of her favorite books.



I agree. Normally I am fine with my kids not necessarily getting every level of meaning in a book, etc. and reading and appreciating it at a different level when they are younger vs. older, but The PT book really *relies* on those puns and wordplay so heavily that I think it makes it tough to enjoy if one doesn't "get" those parts.

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Some of the books Deconstructing Penguins recommends for that age group are:


Mr. Popper's Penguins

Babe: The Gallant Pig

Charlotte's Web

Half Magic

The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (Looks like a great book but the vocab. is outdated and may be a bit difficult for the younger ones)

The Enormous Egg

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This was the one book that ds's 4th grade class read together that year. It was a G&T magnet class, they all really seemed to get the puns easily. (Their one book in third grade was Frindle -- that teacher was constantly frustrated that she couldn't get enough for the whole class of more than one book. They were ALL strong readers and she would have loved to do 2-3 a semester, at least.)

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chocolate touch or chocolate fever, maybe tie in a bit of chocolate history.


We did The Chocolate Touch for the first book- in addition to the ones I've already mentioned, we did Baseball Fever, A Dolphin Named Bob, and a Thea Stilton book.


My boys have already read Mr. Popper's Penguins, The Enormous Egg, Trumpet of the Swan, and Half Magic, which were all great, but don't want to do them again. Maybe Charlotte's Web. I thought of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler- it was one of my faves as a kid, but I think I was a little older when I read it.

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We are in a book club with the same ages. The Family Under the Bridge and The Hundred Dresses are two that I remember as having a ton of discussion. The Magician's Nephew got my ds interested in the Narnia chronicles. He enjoyed The Castle in the Attic and anything by Roald Daul- The Magic Finger, Fantastic Mr. Fox, has been a hit. Oh! Mrs. Piggle Wiggle is fun.


I am enjoying all the discussions. It is our turn to pick soon and I always have trouble b/c my ds is 9 so I worry about picking something that will appeal to both him and the younger kids. Last time I pretty much flunked that :lol: (it was The Knight's Castle by Edward Eager)

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