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Dr. Hive...dd and headaches

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I have a 9 yo dd who has been having headaches. She indicates her forehead when I ask where it hurts. For a rather long time she has told me she gets headaches at recess in school (she is my one in ps). Today she told me she also gets headaches in gym, and when she gets the headaches, they last through the school day. For the last week or more, she's been complaining of headaches everyday. She's also had some nausea.


I realize this could point to terrible things, but while I know things like that can happen, I'm not necessarily jumping to that possibility. I'm thinking it could more likely be something with the sinuses, though she has never shown signs of allergies, runny nose, congestion, or anything but a tendency to have a croupy cough when she does get a cough with a virus.


Is there any other possibility that I could be missing?


We're going into the ped tomorrow. She's a great doctor and will listen to my ideas. :001_smile:


PS She just came in and said she feels dizzy and sick now. I don't see any obvious symptoms of anything being wrong, no fever, but she's pale and looks unhappy.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Could be allergies, since outdoors seems to trigger it. Could also be sinuses. It could also be the start to migraines.


If alleriges and sinuses are ruled out, I would recommend keeping a headache diary:

~Note when HA occurs along with any stressors, noises, lighting, food, caffeine taken before hand

~Note weather: temp & humidity, weather changes, barometric pressure.


Tylenol unless combined with caffeine and aspirin is NOT recommended to treat headaches. Of course aspirin should be used with great caution in kids.


NSAIDS are OK and work best if taken early.

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It could be migraines. I have them myself and they are similar to what you're describing. I have to take two preventive prescription medications twice daily, along with supplements of B vitamins and magnesium. I also have two prescription medications to alternate between taking when I do get a migraine. So, although migraines are very unpleasant, at least there are medications to help if that's what is going on with your daughter. Hope you get answers soon and relief for her!

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I never really thought about the migraine possibility... They are in the family, and I've heard there is a genetic link. I get them only occasionally but have had the aura and silent migraines. Mine most often seem hormone related now, but in the past were very weather related. Could it be that dd's hormones are kicking in and it's triggering the start of migraines?


Dd tells me that they never have gym outside. Terrible, isn't it, when they have playing fields and lots of grass? So I'm not sure about the allergy connection.

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Fluorescent lights effect me like that. With her being under them in school all day they could be the culprit of her starting to have any migraines.


I'm sensitive to fluorescent lights, too. :glare:


I've been reading about childhood migraines, and it really seems to fit, especially seeing that they can be triggered by physical activity. Ugh.

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With the headaches occurring at recess and PE, I'm wondering if she's drinking enough fluids during the school day. Being dehydrated could easily cause headaches.


Hope your little one feels better soon!




I'll try to make sure she's drinking. She's often in a rush in the mornings, so may not be getting enough.

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There are some symptoms the doctor can check to see if it's allergies: Shiners under eyes, White or pale nasal passages can equal allergies, reddened nasal passages can indicate sinusitis which can be triggered by allergens. Post nasal drip and associated cough can indicate alleriges too.


Migraines could very well be triggered by hormonal changes and are definitely genetic in nature.

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