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teacher's Lounge ~ 2/20/12

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Good morning! I haven't seen a "Teacher's Lounge" thread in awhile, so I thought I'd open one today!


Are you observing the President's Day holiday today or is it "school as usual" for your household?


Did you have a good weekend? Did you do anything special?


What are you serving today for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner?


What's the weather like where you live?

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Hooray for Mama! I love to visit the teacher's lounge.


Are you observing the President's Day holiday today or is it "school as usual" for your household? Dh is home today so I've declared today a school holiday. I have pleaded with dh to keep the kids far far from me so that I can get some stuff done around here in peace and quiet.


Did you have a good weekend? Did you do anything special? The weekend was ok. Dd and I went clothes shopping for her on Saturday.


What are you serving today for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner? Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 everything bagel thin, jam, water.

Lunch - either a salad with protein or some leftover turkey chili.

Dinner - I have absolutely no idea!


What's the weather like where you live? Grey. I wouldn't be surprised if there were intermittent showers.

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Are you observing the President's Day holiday today or is it "school as usual" for your household?

It's a somewhat normal school day for us. We did sleep in a little bit (until 8:30) versus our usual wake up time. But other than that, we plan on getting a lot of schoolwork done today.


Did you have a good weekend? Did you do anything special?

We had an okay weekend. I got to spend Friday evening with some of my close friends for a book discussion. Saturday was just spent around the house. I did get to go out to dinner with my dh before we had to work Saturday evening. Sunday was spent at church and then we had to work again in the evening.


What are you serving today for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner?

The kids had waffles for breakfast. We had doughnuts as a mid-morning treat! I'm not sure what's for lunch. We will probably be having ziti, salad, and bread for dinner. The kids will not be too thrilled about that.

What's the weather like where you live?

It rained all day yesterday before switching to sleet/snow mix last night. But, not much stuck to the ground since it's been very warm recently. Today the high is in the mid-upper 40's. By Thursday, it's supposed to be 68. Crazy NC weather!

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Are you observing the President's Day holiday today or is it "school as usual" for your household? We'll see how DD feels. I am sick with bronchitis and trying to beat it without going to the Dr. as I'm in a gap month without insurance. FWIW Cold Buster herbal stuff works really well on bronchitis, as well as flu and related things.


Did you have a good weekend? Did you do anything special? See above - I was sick as a dog for most of the weekend. I did manage to drag myself to the grocery yesterday to get a few things we needed in case I got worse.


What are you serving today for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner? Fresh baked blueberry muffins for breakfast. Lunch and dinner I have no idea on - something very easy and soft on my sore throat.


What's the weather like where you live? Started off grey but it looks like it's clearing now. I am hopeful for some sun this afternoon so I can get extra vit. D.

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Good morning! I haven't seen a "Teacher's Lounge" thread in awhile, so I thought I'd open one today!


Are you observing the President's Day holiday today or is it "school as usual" for your household?

It's school as usual for us today. I'm feeling a lot of pressure to keep the kids moving forward. Two of my four children have colds, so maybe we'll quit early and play in the sunshine.


Did you have a good weekend? Did you do anything special?

We did nothing special this weekend. It was kind of a dud.


What are you serving today for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner?

Breakfast was oatmeal with nuts and sucanat. Lunch was leftover pasta and dinner will be turkey and bacon sandwiches with broccoli salad.


What's the weather like where you live?

It's gorgeous! Clear, blue skies and about 50 degrees.




Are you observing the President's Day holiday today or is it "school as usual" for your household? We'll see how DD feels. I am sick with bronchitis and trying to beat it without going to the Dr. as I'm in a gap month without insurance. FWIW Cold Buster herbal stuff works really well on bronchitis, as well as flu and related things.


Did you have a good weekend? Did you do anything special? See above - I was sick as a dog for most of the weekend. I did manage to drag myself to the grocery yesterday to get a few things we needed in case I got worse.


What are you serving today for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner? Fresh baked blueberry muffins for breakfast. Lunch and dinner I have no idea on - something very easy and soft on my sore throat.


What's the weather like where you live? Started off grey but it looks like it's clearing now. I am hopeful for some sun this afternoon so I can get extra vit. D.


:grouphug: I hope you feel better very soon.

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Are you observing the President's Day holiday today or is it "school as usual" for your household? School and taekwondo as usual here. Dh is at work, so no special plans for us.

Did you have a good weekend? Did you do anything special? Our weekend was okay. Aside from some cleaning and normal weekend chores, we had family movie night on Saturday where we watched The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe having finished the book Friday. The boys loved it, and now ds#1 is reading book 3 in the series. Sunday was church, relaxing, and I spent a couple of hours online researching curriculum for next year. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do.


What are you serving today for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner? Breakfast was scrambled eggs and bananas with OJ. Lunch was leftover oregano chicken, green beans, and penne for the boys, and a huge mesclin salad with chicken, dried cranberries, sliced almonds, feta, and balsamic vinagrette for me.


What's the weather like where you live? Sunny, clear blue skies, and the temp will reach a high of 50 today. I'll take it!

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Are you observing the President's Day holiday today or is it "school as usual" for your household? We did school as usual.

Did you have a good weekend? Did you do anything special? It was a typical weekend, although we did get a little more down time on Saturday. Of course, Sunday was really busy (church, dinner with my family, then shopping)


What are you serving today for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner? Breakfast was scrambled eggs with cheese, lunch was sandwiches, carrots and dip, and fruit. Dinner will be chef salads and grilled cheese.


What's the weather like where you live? It feels like Spring. 56*, wind blowing, and lots of sunshine

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Frugalmama, I hope you feel better soon.

Are you observing the President's Day holiday today or is it "school as usual" for your household? Half of our outside activities are canceled. Half of my students are sick. I still have to work so it is school as usual, under the circumstances.


Did you have a good weekend? Did you do anything special? I had a 3 day migraine over the weekend, but I did manage to go to the store (I don't recommend it but sending dh to the store when I need to stay on a budget is worse).


What are you serving today for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner? I have a roast in the dutch oven making yummy smells which should be perfect by dinner. I had yogurt for breakfast then went to the dentist so I'm skipping lunch until I can feel the right half of my face.



What's the weather like where you live? We had a dusting of snow this morning, but it is clear and lovely now.

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Good morning! I haven't seen a "Teacher's Lounge" thread in awhile, so I thought I'd open one today!


Are you observing the President's Day holiday today or is it "school as usual" for your household? School as usual. We observed President's day by watching a documentary of Teddy Roosevelt over the weekend to go along with our history chapter.


Did you have a good weekend? Did you do anything special? Well, having most of the weekend to just stay at home was special. We did sell girl scout cookies in a booth on Friday evening. But Sat. and Sun. we just stayed around the house and it was awesome. The past few weekends have been packed with learning activities and doing things with friends. The down time was much needed.


What are you serving today for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner? Oh boy.. leftovers were for lunch and breakfast. There were leftover pumpkin pancakes for breakfast, and several different things for lunch. I am making unhealthy but delicious sausage and friend potatoes for dinner!


What's the weather like where you live?

gray and windy today.
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