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EMG tomorrow--tell me what to expect

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I am having an EMG tomorrow to assess numbness in my hands (probably due to bulging disc, but they want to cover all the bases).


What will happen? How should I dress?



During the EMG, they stick tiny needles into your muscles to measure electrical activity. They also usually do Nerve Conduction Studies, which involve taping an electrode to your skin and giving you a small electric shock.


You don't have to do anything special to prepare. I was absolutely freezing during mine, and it messed up the results. They had to give me a bunch of warmed up blankets before they could continue. I don't know if that's common. I'm always cold.


I found the test quite unpleasant. It's hard to describe. It wasn't terribly painful, just very unpleasant. Sorry. :grouphug:

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I found the test quite unpleasant. It's hard to describe. It wasn't terribly painful, just very unpleasant. Sorry. :grouphug:


I agree about it not being terribly painful, but mostly unpleasant. The only exception for mine is that my issues were in my toes so they included the sensitive skin in the arch of the foot. It ranked less on the pain scale than a broken arm, rupturing ear drum, or labor :001_huh: but I can't say it felt especially great.


They had me wear a hospital gown.

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Is this different from a nerve conduction study? I had one of those. It was hell. It was like having someone stab you in the hand with a blunt object.


Sorry..hope it's something different than that.




This is different but you may have had an EMG and nerve conduction it at the same time--I know I did.


I'm pretty sure the nerve conduction is the putting electrical shocks into the nerves. The EMG is needles in the muscles and they ask you to relax or contract said muscle groups. You'll be laying down OP. They record the muscle response. To my recollection the nerve conduction was more uncomfortable than the EMG but, again, they were all together for me. Neither is fun. OP, you'll be ok :grouphug:. I didn't find it terribly painful. Just dress comfortably.

Edited by sbgrace
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Is this different from a nerve conduction study? I had one of those. It was hell. It was like having someone stab you in the hand with a blunt object.


Sorry..hope it's something different than that.




If it's a nerve conduction study, concentrate on anything else during the procedure. Use breathing exercises--anything that distracts.

I think it affects everyone different, and I am a big baby when it comes to that kind of stuff.

Good luck. :grouphug:

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I don't know.

Like the others said, I did not find the EMG painful, just icky to have muscles twitching.

During the nerve conduction test, they are giving you little shocks, so it may be difficult to concentrate on a book. But maybe you won't have both tests.


Hope you let us know how it goes.:001_smile:

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Thanks everyone. I had the test this morning. It was really icky. The long needles in my neck gave me the heebie-jeebies (the ones in my arms weren't pleasant either, but the neck ones grossed me out for some reason), and I really *hated* the electric shocks. I was not able to read during the procedure because the neuro wanted to ask questions and get my feedback. I'm not sure if I would have been able to concentrate for the electric shocks portion. I'm just glad to have it done and now trying to figure out what to do from here.

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Thanks everyone. I had the test this morning. It was really icky. The long needles in my neck gave me the heebie-jeebies, and I really *hated* the electric shocks. I was not able to read during the procedure because the neuro wanted to ask questions and get my feedback. I'm not sure if I would have been able to concentrate for the electric shocks portion. I'm just glad to have it done and now trying to figure out what to do from here.



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Thanks everyone. I had the test this morning. It was really icky. The long needles in my neck gave me the heebie-jeebies (the ones in my arms weren't pleasant either, but the neck ones grossed me out for some reason), and I really *hated* the electric shocks. I was not able to read during the procedure because the neuro wanted to ask questions and get my feedback. I'm not sure if I would have been able to concentrate for the electric shocks portion. I'm just glad to have it done and now trying to figure out what to do from here.


I hve been thinking of you and hope you get answers. I have been down that road and it is not easy. Suffice it to say that I trust no one but myself. PM for details if you need more info. I am glad the test is over it is really icky.

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