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Oh yeah! Come celebrate my small victory, he he.

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I posted, about 5 weeks ago, about the saga of getting a stitch removed from Moose's chin. That thread is here.


I've been calling back and forth with the supervisors at the clinic where we had such a terrible experience. Not only did I want my (ridiculously high) co-pay refunded, but I *really* wanted that crummy doctor's bosses to know just how bad of an experience we had with her.


BTW, let me just say here, that I'm not *that* kind of person, who complains about every single little thing that doesn't go perfectly. I have a lot of grace. Had the doctor been patient and kind, but still couldn't get the stitch out (which is exactly what happened at our pediatrician), I would never have contatcted her superiors. The treatment Moose and I received at that clinic was hands down the WORST interaction I've EVER had with a medical professional.


Any way, after several phone calls explaining the situation from my side, as well as waiting for the clinic supervisors to have time to do a thorough investigation, I received a phone call yesterday, officially apologizing for our experience, assuring me that all the staff will soon be receiving training in dealing with pediatric patients, and informing me that a check was being mailed to me to refund my co-pay.


Woo Hoo! Feels like a small victory. :D Maybe silly, I admit; but I feel like I was *heard*, iykwim.

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