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Can you think through this issue with me?

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Here is the situation:


BIL and SIL would like to purchase a camper, but can't afford it. We have a camper that we use 3-4 times a summer. Dh and I are thinking about either renting ours to them when they want to use it or offer to sell them half (which they could afford). My concern is that we won't be able to use it when we want to, although usually we plan our trips in advance. My other thought is what if they don't keep it in the condition we would?


What are other pros/cons? Is this anything you would consider or are we being totally nuts? Our camper is completely paid for, BTW. We would put the money we would receive if we sold half towards our car fund.

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We are in the habit of loaning many things and money to people, but when we do, we consider it a gift because one can never count on getting it back. If we bank on having it then there is disappointment, but when it is considered a gift if it comes back then we are delighted. Maybe not exactly the same, but some of the same principles may apply here. Hope this helps a bit. You are wise to consider getting others thoughts.



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Just some thoughts:


It would be nice to get the money to put toward your car fund!


It may not be a good idea to go into something like this with someone close to you. Opinions on how well it's kept up, who gets it when, etc. could cause tension amongst you, which you don't want to have happen, I'm sure!


Renting it to them when they want it sounds like a decent plan--but you'd need to make sure it's covered by iinsurance if they have it, and there should be something written out on the condition it needs to be returned in, inside and out.



Those are the pros and cons I think of right off the top of my head...

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I don't like the idea of co-ownership, I see too many hassles coming from that.


Now the renting may not be a bad idea. My comfort level on that would be determined by how responsible said family will be with camper. I would establish rules up front and maybe even sign something saying they would be responsible for damages, just as good business.


Then you could take the money and use it for your own camping trips.

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Here is the situation:


BIL and SIL would like to purchase a camper, but can't afford it. We have a camper that we use 3-4 times a summer. Dh and I are thinking about either renting ours to them when they want to use it or offer to sell them half (which they could afford). My concern is that we won't be able to use it when we want to, although usually we plan our trips in advance. My other thought is what if they don't keep it in the condition we would?


Are they interested in this set-up? I know I probably wouldn't be. I'd be stressing the whole vacation that I wasn't taking care of things up to their standard. If you knew where they stood, maybe this would take care of itself. :001_smile:

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Are they interested in this set-up? I know I probably wouldn't be. I'd be stressing the whole vacation that I wasn't taking care of things up to their standard. If you knew where they stood, maybe this would take care of itself. :001_smile:


I would feel the same way. I don't think I would do it because of the possible strife that could arise. But, I'm a worry-wart, confrontation avoiding, peace-loving wimp. :tongue_smilie:

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Are they interested in this set-up?


Honestly, I don't know for sure. :) I don't even want to bring it up with them until dh and I are sure that we would be willing to do one of the options. I figured it would be kind of mean to say "Hey, we're thinking about renting you our camper or selling you half." Only to come back and say "Ya, well, we thought about it some more and we decided to keep it all ourselves." Dh and I often do stuff like this and then regret it, so I want to be sure we are thinking about all the options before bringing it up.


ETA: If they aren't interested, that would be fine. :) We aren't doing it for the money, KWIM? It is really only to help them out.

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Draw up an agreement about having to book it X amount of weeks in advance and that when they bring it back it needs to be cleaned thoroughly and emptied of any personal items/food, etc. upon return. That anything that is broken needs to be repaired (or paid for by X amount of weeks after it was damaged.) I think the rental idea could possibly work but I'd want an agreement... Also that you all would abide by the same standards of having it cleaned out and ready for them too and that you will give them your dates as early as possible as well (when possible).


If it were my own family, we would just lend it and ask for the above stipulations.


Just some thoughts.

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If you're not doing it for the money, then why don't you just lend them the camper, as a gift (as another poster said)? Just curious.


Good question! If they just wanted to borrow it for one weekend, or one weekend a year I would feel fine with them borrowing it. They are looking to use it fairly often in the summer. I think they would feel more free to use it more often if they were renting it, not just continuley borrowing it. I would feel better about some sort of renting vs. continued borrowing b/c it would be easier to have some expectations upon return. Does that make any sense? We wouldn't charge a high rate, just enough for it to be a "business" arrangment vs. a "personal" arrangement. Maybe I'm wrong in my thinking, that's why I'm asking here. :)

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I come from no money between friends and family. Either sell or borrow as gift, understanding it may come back not the way you like it.


I am still fighting with my sister over money issue. We came up with an agmt. She fell through on her end. Havent talked in mos.


We have motorhome too, we hardly use, but I am not going to lend to family. They have different feelings on how to use it. They might take to desert and we do RV parks. Too many issues.


Sorry to damper,


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If you're a little bit hesitant, it's probably because you know that there will be trouble but that it's hard for you to connect all the dots at once to see the real problem. I'm reminded of the newscast about the college student a few years ago who was being "held" by her bedroom. She had a terrible feeling that he was going to kill her, but she didn't know why. She did escape and when retelling the details to the police later they showed her the signs that she had subconsciously picked up on that warned her of her great danger (the boyfriend pulling down the shades, moving her to a back room, etc.) Go with your gut for now.


On the other hand, I've found that kind favors are usually returned to me either directly or through another source. We would "lend" them the camper and ask them to return it with a full tank. We'd agree beforehand that if anything was damaged on the trip, they would have to pay the expenses of having it fixed. We've done this with our 15 passenger van several times and with our lawn mower, tiller, etc. Not quite the same as lending a camper, but I just wanted to put that thought out there.

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