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If you had a kidney infection

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Would it be possible to have only back pain, not potty symptoms? I'm feeling bad. I expect I have a virus; dd was just sick recently. But now my back is in a LOT of pain. I have only had a stomach ache and now my back is screamin' at me. But no bad potty symptoms. Would you definitely have potty symptoms with a kidney infection? It's scaring me a little bit and I'm not generally the paranoid kind.


Updated: Feeling better, don't think it's a kidney infection, picked up UTI test kit just in case.

Edited by Quill
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I had a serious kidney infection when I was about 24. I had zero urinary tract symptoms--the doctors found this hard to believe. I had flu-like symptoms: high fever, vomiting, severe back pain. I ignored it for way too long as I thought it was just the flu. I was hospitalized for 5 days with severe septicemia (blood poisoning) and was given a 20% chance of survival. I was very, very sick. Not to freak you out! But yes, it's possible.

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I had a serious kidney infection when I was about 24. I had zero urinary tract symptoms--the doctors found this hard to believe. I had flu-like symptoms: high fever, vomiting, severe back pain. I ignored it for way too long as I thought it was just the flu. I was hospitalized for 5 days with severe septicemia (blood poisoning) and was given a 20% chance of survival. I was very, very sick. Not to freak you out! But yes, it's possible.


That is what's scaring me. My sister died from a Kidney Infection, although she did also have bladder symptoms and was a diabetic.


I do not have a high fever and have not been vomiting. My stomach just felt bad - no appetite and now I have the significant back pain. :001_unsure: I don't know if I should take myself to Urgent Care or if that's just what happened to my sis freaking me out.

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I think it's unlikely to be something you need to go to urgent care for, unless you just feel *awful.* Can you make an appt. with your doc first thing Monday?


I, too, had a kidney infection with absolutely no urinary tract symptoms. For a month I suffered flu-like symptoms, until docs finally figured out what it was. I had fatigue, aches, back pain, fever in the evenings, and vomiting.


I'd say that if you feel bad, and have back pain, you should have your kidney checked out - but it's probably not an urgent situation.

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Yep. BTDT.


Go get a sample and labs. Urgent care centers even can do this on site.


It can (as the above stories tell you, and I'd add my own, but it's so boring) - be fatal bound if you don't treat.


edit: I see now that you are debating whether to check at urgent care or not. I advise not to wait. Go now.

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Man, I don't know what to do. DH convinced me to just keep an eye out and we can go to the ER or Urgent Care if things get worse. It worries me, though. I'm not really psyched about making an ER decision in the middle of the night.


I took ibuprophen and it did not help one bit.


DD is also unwell, so that does make a strong case for a virus. Her leg muscles hurt and she has no appetite, either. Just wants to lay around.

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I really think it's a virus. I'm going to take the UTI kit just in case, but my back is much better today; now, other things hurt. DS is feeling sick today and I really just think we're working our way through the same virus around here.

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