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Oh, that is horrid! Can anything be done?

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Our little pitbull jumps up when he lets one loose (his make a squeaking noise) and looks at the floor where he was sitting.


Then when we wail, "Oh, Victor! EEWW!", he realizes what it was and that he was responsible for it.


Then he slinks into another room for a few minutes...but of course the damage is done.


He's our little skunk, our beloved Victor,

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No more corn/wheat/soy in his diet and that should stop. Mine were downright nasty before I eliminated grains...now they are no longer potential weapons of mass destruction :D

I'll check his food. But I think that stuff is already limited in his cereal. We had guests last night so there is no telling what he had under the table.

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Don't have any.


The funniest thing is he has no idea what is going on. So he jumps off the couch like he has been goosed, chases his butt and tries to fight off the villain. :lol:


I guess I'm going to have to turn up the heat and open the windows.


:smilielol5:Yup! I have one of those. 7 years old, and still he jumps up and spins around in complete shock whenever he toots!

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