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Wretched, wretched morning

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:crying: Our morning was so horribly wretched I had to apologize, ask forgiveness from my kids and beg them for a do over. I do not know where it came from. I am so on edge today and yesterday.


The kids finished up math and we went over to Iowa State University and watched the ISU Symphony perform "Peter and the Wolf". They did an excellent job. We also stopped and I got the kids some hot chocolate and I got a Skinny Mocha.


This afternoon, oldest dd has a math test and then we will read "Fellowship of the Ring" and clean a bit.


I've been changing my eating and exercise habits and I'm wondering if that is what has me on edge. I've stopped drinking my full fat, high cal mochas everyday. Painful :sad: I have lost 8 pounds though.



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:grouphug::grouphug: sounds like you made a great recovery though :001_smile:.


hope tomorrow is a better day!



I have to wonder if my recovery was so great. Will they only remember my horrible fit or will they be able to look back and say, "Yeah, mom lost it but she apologized."


My mom and I have different memories from my childhood. I'm hoping my kids and I can have similar recollections. Unless they want to remember things better than I do :001_smile:

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:grouphug: You did fine. We are human, and that includes moms too. You just taught your kids that when you have a bad day and you accidentally took it out on other people, the right thing to do is to apologize, make up for it, and learn from it so you can try not to do it again. That it's not OK to do it, but it's human, and it happens, and there are ways to recover from it, and you love them no matter what, and they love you too.


And yes, the eating can definitely do it. I've learned, from experience, to forewarn my children when I'm going to be making a drastic change in my diet. We've talked a lot about food (mainly carb and caffeine) addictions and how they can affect our brains. There was a period here where my kids were encouraged to ask me, when I was acting insane, "Mom, did you remember to drink your coffee/take your vitamins today?"


:grouphug: It will be OK.

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There was a period here where my kids were encouraged to ask me, when I was acting insane, "Mom, did you remember to drink your coffee/take your vitamins today?"


Hmmm, maybe I should start allowing my kids to ask me this question :001_smile: When I was pregnant my dh used to slip me tootsie rolls to keep me sane. Maybe I should arm my kids with small squares of dark chocolate.


I need to remember to eat something when I first get up. That probably would have helped us all. I think we were all running on empty.



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Hmmm, maybe I should start allowing my kids to ask me this question :001_smile: When I was pregnant my dh used to slip me tootsie rolls to keep me sane. Maybe I should arm my kids with small squares of dark chocolate.


I need to remember to eat something when I first get up. That probably would have helped us all. I think we were all running on empty.




:lol: I hear you. It's a good opportunity to talk to the kids about listening to your body and taking proper care of it too, and how not doing so can be bad news for everyone!


I haven't yet managed to explain PMS to them though *sigh* I don't want to scare DD9, who's already kind of anxious about the whole puberty thing :001_huh:

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The fact that you apolgised and asked forgiveness..and meant it is what counts. They will remember you as the parent that was humble to know when to admit fault and ask for forgiveness.


My parents never apologised when I grew up. That is what I remember.


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