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(I think you mean Mystery of History), but we've used SOTW all the way through 8th grade, even. I found it very useable and really plenty of history. We would read the section in the SOTW book, do the review questions; do map work, narrations, timeline, and read other books. With my older two, we would outline the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia. It really was plenty of history for our girls.


By 8th grade, though, my oldest especially needed something meatier---so we switched to Omnibus.


Personally, although I'm not familiar with MOH, I would think doing one or the other would be plenty. Doing SOTW stirred up enough excitement about history in our kids without overwhelming them.

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you want to use SOTW primarily, and supplement with MOH for Biblical events/persons not covered in SOTW.


You could also do it the other way around, focusing on MOH, and choosing certain chapters or sub-chapters from SOTW as supplemental reading.


It would definitely be overkill to do all of both and unless you schedule it out ahead of time, you may find the choices regarding mapwork and supplemental activities to be overwhelming.

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I am using both right now. I read MOH and it is our "main" text. Then we will listen to SOTW on cd. It is all lined up on Paula's archives if you need help matching it up. It is really working well here, though I agree that either by themselves would be plenty. :D

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I am using both right now. I read MOH and it is our "main" text. Then we will listen to SOTW on cd. It is all lined up on Paula's archives if you need help matching it up. It is really working well here, though I agree that either by themselves would be plenty. :D



How can I find Paula's archives? I'm interested in your approach in using MOH as the main text and listening to SOTW. How much time do you spend on MOH? Thanks.

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I did SOTW vol 2 and MOH vol 2 this year together. SOTW was my primary and MOH my secondary along with many, many readers and read alouds. It is possible. But, honestly, I found it teadious. Neither program was "exactly" what I wanted. So, by putting them together, I was able to get fairly close. We enjoyed MOH vol 1 and definately used it as a stand alone. However, this year's history experience left me wanting something totally different. As of now, I will not be using either program next year. I'm not burning any bridges or ruling anything out - just looking for a different direction.

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Wow -similar reaction here. Loved MOH1 last year, tried MOH2 this year, ended up returning to SOTW 2 with tons of extra reading. Next year we are looking at Beautiful Feet.


Marsha - what ages are you teaching? SOTW and MOH are both good programs. If you are teaching younger kids, SOTW is plenty. Is there a particular reason you are wanting to combine these?



I did SOTW vol 2 and MOH vol 2 this year together. SOTW was my primary and MOH my secondary along with many, many readers and read alouds. It is possible. But, honestly, I found it teadious. Neither program was "exactly" what I wanted. So, by putting them together, I was able to get fairly close. We enjoyed MOH vol 1 and definately used it as a stand alone. However, this year's history experience left me wanting something totally different. As of now, I will not be using either program next year. I'm not burning any bridges or ruling anything out - just looking for a different direction.
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How can I find Paula's archives? I'm interested in your approach in using MOH as the main text and listening to SOTW. How much time do you spend on MOH? Thanks.


Someone else beat me to linking Paula's archives! ;) I have a different approach from some of the other moms here as I follow more of a Teaching the Trivium approach http://www.triviumpursuit.com than a Well Trained Mind one. I simply read the main text from MOH, set out some books on the topics we are covering that week on a table in the living room, and listen to SOTW at bedtime or lunch time or while we are folding clothes. Nothing formal about it. I have my older son do a notebooking page on the history and file it. All in all about 30-45 minutes depending on whether we do an activity. The books in the living room are for free reading, very few are assigned, and not all will be read, but quite a few will. Please feel free to PM me if you have any other questions as I do not always check the boards regularly.

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Does Biblioplan schedule both consecutively, or is it one or the other?


(Sorry for the hi-jack:))




I am not the op, but I can answer your question. In Biblioplan, SOTW is listed as the main spine and scheduled along with other resources. MOH is scheduled too, but it shows up under the category "Optional Fiction and Resources" as an alternative spine. If you got to biblioplan.net, you can see sample pages of how it is set up.


My plan next year with a 3rd and 1st grader is to use mainly SOTW as our spine, but we will use MOH for supplemental reading for my 3rd grader, and as our primary spine for weeks when there is very little SOTW scheduled, for example when we are doing the unit on the Nation of Israel.

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I am not the op, but I can answer your question. In Biblioplan, SOTW is listed as the main spine and scheduled along with other resources. MOH is scheduled too, but it shows up under the category "Optional Fiction and Resources" as an alternative spine. If you got to biblioplan.net, you can see sample pages of how it is set up.


My plan next year with a 3rd and 1st grader is to use mainly SOTW as our spine, but we will use MOH for supplemental reading for my 3rd grader, and as our primary spine for weeks when there is very little SOTW scheduled, for example when we are doing the unit on the Nation of Israel.


Thanks! Love your Aslan quote BTW.:)

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