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Storage area for all those pesky stuffed animals

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That is amazing!! Can your husband come over and build one here?? LOL:001_smile:




It's been very advantageous in my homeschooling endeavors to have one so crafty and artistic. If we were left to my skills--- well let's just say I'm glad we're not! Stick figures would get redundant really quickly.

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Pure awesomeness!! I wish we had space for something like that.


The great part is can be made to fit in any nook and cranny you have. As long as you have at least "one" access point like I did. I do like the ones where you can access it on three sides but we just didn't have that much room available to devote to it.

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That's lovely! I can't wait to do one for our girls' room. :) Seriously, if you are connected to a group of moms locally, you should put a price tag on it and offer them for sale at the next church sale or whatever type thing you have. Build two, price up and see what happens. :)

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