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question for Dr Hive -- sun spots? Something else?

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My 11 yr old son has some discoloration on his shoulders/neck, both front and back, that I'm not sure what to think.


Basically it looks like he has a tan on his shoulders/neck area, but with pale spots all over --- if you can picture the way a sunburn looks when it darkens to a tan, and then the person has peeled in splotchy areas, so that some spots are pale, that is what this looks like. Only the spots are all more or less circular, various sizes, and he's not sunburned/peeling; this has lasted for a few months now.


The smallest is about the diameter of a pencil, the largest about the diameter of a dime. They are not raised or anything, just pale areas with darker skin around them.


He's not on any medications nor had any diet changes that would relate to this.


Nothing I've googled has looked remotely like this; the closest being sun spots but I'm not sure that's right either.


Any ideas? Do we need to seek out a dermatologist? Or the regular pediatrician is okay?

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It sounds the opposite of what I'm thinking, but google cafe au lait spots anyway and see if it looks like that. My daughter has these come up due to being in the sun, however, at first they worried she had neurofibromitosis. If you're worried, see a dermatologist.

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Vitiligo? I've got that and it's permanent. I have tiny white spots on legs or arms. But on my neck, shoulders, and armpits (not that you're looking) I have ever-increasing spots of no pigment. It's a lot worse in the summer as the surrounding skin tans... We also know a man who has it on the back of his hands and on his wrists.


Go to the dermatologist... It doesn't sound scary but you do want a good answer.

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after googling the various terms you all mentioned, I found a site with images of zillions of skin disorders. I think I found it -- pityriasis versicolor. This is not my son, but this is almost identical to what his looks like (though his is on the shoulders/neck) -- picture of pityriasis versicolor.


The next closest thing is vitiligo but all the pictures of that show much larger pale areas, not small spots like this. I'll check around for a dermatologist and see when I can get an appointment, but maybe we'll try the treatment for the other first and see since it's just a topical shampoo/cream.


I would never have found this if I wasn't googling the terms you all mentioned, though, so thank you!

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Definitely take him to a dermatologist so you get a proper diagnosis and treatment. I was told by 2 different docs that her spots were just a form of eczema. I finally took her to a dermatologist after 2 years of no improvement. In fact, the prescription cremes she was being given made her condition worse! She has a very rare skin condition, and started treatment last month. She is so happy that her spots are starting to go away!

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