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Gift suggestions (esp if you love a police officer!)

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I am desperate for a great suggestion for what to buy our oldest son. He's graduating from our police academy (a six month program) and will be sworn in next week. We are so proud. He has a birthday the day after.


We did not make a big deal out of his high school graduation. He finished college up in the summer, so we didn't do a big college graduation fuss. He actually didn't want us to. But THIS we want to really honor and celebrate.


And as one part of that, we want to get him something really great. We would spend a few hundred dollars on the right thing. No electronics, I think. Nothing that is really job related because it's hard to know what he will really need. We would like to get him something with some "keep forever" feel to it, but not necessarily. He owes us some money so it would be awkward to give him money, lol. It seems like we would give him money, and he would just give it back, and I don't want to cancel that debt because it's just not special to do so. Although I guess we could do that, but we would still want to get him something....


Help! All ideas welcome!

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Cancelling his debt actually sounds like a GREAT gift idea to me. But you know your situation best, maybe it's not.


A really nice watch with something engraved on the back is a great 'keepsake' type gift for a man. I don't know a THING about an officer's uniform, so I don't know if they wear watches, have to wear a CERTAIN watch, etc. So check that out first.

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The officers I know/love have equipment allowances, but it can be a stretch to get all of the things you need that very first year which means fewer uniforms and more laundry, so I think you could make the case for getting some of the gear. Something like a duty belt would be nice (it attaches to the belt you use to keep your pants up with clips which means they don't have to re-thread all their gear each time they get dressed), though he may already have one.


Pens are nice, though something that could be easy to lose. Watches are nice, but if you're thinking of something for work, sometimes cheap watches are a better bet (then there's no harm if they get broken).


Another option is to get him a nice bag/briefcase to carry his things in. The Galls 5.11 tactical bags are a favorite with those I know.


Another option is to ask him what he needs. You can obviously phrase it much nicer than that - something along the lines that you know his uniform allowance might not cover everything he needs, so are there a few options he might suggest for things you could buy to help honor his achievement.

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Congratulations! My oldest son is also a police officer, and I totally understand your feelings of extreme pride and the dilemma that you face. There are, of course, all kinds of officer related gifts that you can Google, and there's always the nice leather wallet with police badge holder built in. Maybe that with a crisp $100 bill tucked inside, or a gift card to his favorite store? This seems like it may be less awkward than just straight cash (with the loan and all.) Is he a member of a gym? If not, what about a year's membership and a gift certificate to present?


Actually, your presence at his graduation and the loving support you have been all through the long process means the most to him, I guarantee. Enjoy the special day with your ds, and best to you as you explore ideas for a gift.




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I'll second the vest. That was my first thought. Most departments now issue one, but in the event that he isn't issued on then getting him one would be nice.


Alternatively if he gets a vest he may not be able to wear something not issued. Depending on the departmental rules. Some things most departments don't issue but are nice to have:


Foul weather gear


Tactical Jacket


Search gloves and Driving gloves




A good flashlight


Offer his choice of duty gear if it isn't issued by the department.


A seat organizer


Oh, this is a handy little thing.


And a second carrier for his vest no matter who issues it. Think of carriers like undershirts. One really wants to change and wash those periodically. Buying one would depend on the manufacturer of the body armor.

Edited by Parrothead
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Every once in a while I think, "Wait a minute. Why am I so pleased that my son is going into a job with low pay, terrible hours, a high degree of personal risk, and a great deal of stress?" But I do feel happy and proud because he has worked hard for it and wanted it.


I like the idea of the wallet! I am going to get him a St. Michael's medal, but that would be nice in addition.

Edited by Danestress
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Every once in a while I think, "Wait a minute. Why am I so pleased that my son is going into a job with low pay, terrible hours, a high degree of personal risk, and a great deal of stress?" But I do feel happy and proud because he has worked hard for it and wanted it.


I like the idea of the wallet! I am going to get him a St. Michael's medal, but that would be nice in addition.


I could have written your remarks myself, Danastress! My ds was a very successful woodcraftsmen and cabinetmaker with work that was featured in high end, Street of Dreams homes. He always made me extremely proud, but when he announced that he wanted to change careers, and then worked his way through school at night, as well as a reserve cop for a few years, I saw an amazing change in him. He worked so hard to become a policeman, and like your ds - he really wanted it. I think guys like these young men must truly be warriors at heart.


You just wait until you go to the graduation! Better take a hankie along because you're going to need it. And I bet your ds will love the wallet and medallion. They are very appropriate gifts.




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I am going down the the shop to get sweatshirts for myself, DH and my other boys with the police logo so we can wear them to the family night at the academy (I know, we are so cheesy) so of course they will sell the right kind of wallet things there. Problem solved. I'm not sure why I didn't think of that!



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I am going down the the shop to get sweatshirts for myself, DH and my other boys with the police logo so we can wear them to the family night at the academy (I know, we are so cheesy) so of course they will sell the right kind of wallet things there. Problem solved. I'm not sure why I didn't think of that!




Pushing the LIKE button! :thumbup:



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