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Looking for a good picture book about Presidents' Day and/or George Washington.


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Anyone have any suggestions? Our lesson recommends these, but I'm not sure they're the best. Hard to tell from the very basic non-helpful previews on Amazon.






I did find a better preview of this one on Google Books, but it seems so simple (like one sentence per page simple) that it may not be worth buying.


Also, looking for a good picture book on George Washington.


Thanks! :001_smile:

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I don't know the second one. The first one is from the Rookie Readers series. They're always fine - succinct and easy to read. If it's for an independent read by a new reader, then it's a good choice. However, if this is a read aloud, it won't be a very exciting one.


The book we enjoyed most about George Washington as we did US history was George Washington's Teeth. It was very amusing, told in rhyme, with cute illustrations and managed to sneak in a lot of history. Another slightly irreverent one we enjoyed was Jean Fritz's George Washington's Breakfast.


For a more traditional look, A Picture Book of George Washington is part of a good series. We had others, but that's a good one.


I don't have Presidents Day suggestions specifically, but I think it's probably better to read about the figures than the holiday being in their honor.

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Thanks so much! :D Is George Washington's Teeth historically true or more just for fun? I know you said that it sneaks in a lot of history, but if I only buy one book about Washington, would this be a good one or is it more of a fun follow-up book to a biography? I did see that it has good reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, but I don't necessarily want the one thing DD remembers about Washington to be about his teeth. LOL!


I don't know the second one. The first one is from the Rookie Readers series. They're always fine - succinct and easy to read. If it's for an independent read by a new reader, then it's a good choice. However, if this is a read aloud, it won't be a very exciting one.


The book we enjoyed most about George Washington as we did US history was George Washington's Teeth. It was very amusing, told in rhyme, with cute illustrations and managed to sneak in a lot of history. Another slightly irreverent one we enjoyed was Jean Fritz's George Washington's Breakfast.


For a more traditional look, A Picture Book of George Washington is part of a good series. We had others, but that's a good one.


I don't have Presidents Day suggestions specifically, but I think it's probably better to read about the figures than the holiday being in their honor.

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George Washington's Teeth is historically true (if a little embellished in places - there's a timeline at the end that elaborates really clearly) but it is more of a fun follow up. We had done the RevQuest at Williamsburg and that also had a George Washington has tooth issues tie in, so I think my boys probably do remember that he had bad teeth above all else now. Ha.


There are lots of good ones, but for early elementary, if you can't do the library and get a nice pile, I'd get the Adler A Picture Book Biography of title. It's usually available really cheap used too. That whole series is really good. There are different illustrators for some of them, but they're all nicely in depth without being overwhelming.

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Yes, we love George Washington's Teeth!


My little girl fell in love with George Washington when she was about 4, and she owns quite a collection of George Washington books.


Jean Fritz's books are favorites here, as are the books in the series If You Lived During . . . . [If You Grew Up With George Washington] - also Abraham Lincoln. George Washington's Mother is a good one, too.


Also, depending on how elaborate you want your celebration of President's Day to be, Family Fun magazine has some great party plans for getting a group of kids together and celebrating the presidents. They tie in a quick fun little study of American currency (with the presidential connection). ("Ham"ilton & Cheese snacks, Lincoln log pretzels, matching-currency-game with cupcakes, Washington's cherry yogurt, a penny toss game, etc.)


Some other fun ones - not directly related to GW, but in that vein - are The Everything Kids' President Book and . . . oh, I can't find it on Amazon, but an old-school presidential trivia book. Ours is probably older than I am, and I can't remember the title.

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Thanks so much for the suggestions! I double-checked our lesson. It's all about George Washington, so I think I'll pick up two books about him. I have a printable Scholastic mini-book about Presidents' Day. I'll save some money there and just use that as a basic intro about the day.


I *think* our library actually has the ...Teeth one, so I'll check it out tomorrow. :001_smile:


Yes, we love George Washington's Teeth!


My little girl fell in love with George Washington when she was about 4, and she owns quite a collection of George Washington books.


Jean Fritz's books are favorites here, as are the books in the series If You Lived During . . . . [If You Grew Up With George Washington] - also Abraham Lincoln. George Washington's Mother is a good one, too.


Also, depending on how elaborate you want your celebration of President's Day to be, Family Fun magazine has some great party plans for getting a group of kids together and celebrating the presidents. They tie in a quick fun little study of American currency (with the presidential connection). ("Ham"ilton & Cheese snacks, Lincoln log pretzels, matching-currency-game with cupcakes, Washington's cherry yogurt, a penny toss game, etc.)


Some other fun ones - not directly related to GW, but in that vein - are The Everything Kids' President Book and . . . oh, I can't find it on Amazon, but an old-school presidential trivia book. Ours is probably older than I am, and I can't remember the title.

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