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I am so tempted to call a 'sun day' today.

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We've had such horrible weather for so, so long. Today is beautiful, cold, but sunny; the two youngest have been outside for the past 3 hours, coming in for a few minutes for lunch, then running out again. I was kind of waiting for them to get bored and come in before I we did the rest of their school, but they're totally content to wheel each other around in the wheelbarrow and play with the chunks of ice that they find. I'm so tempted to just cancel school for the rest of the day and let them play outside.

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Unfortunately, I can find ANY reason to not do school for the day....I am bad that way.


Yesterday we went out with friends.....no school.


Today is my oldest son's birthday.....I am going to at least make them do min. school.



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I'm usually pretty strict about doing school, but I will call school off for snow (because it happens so rarely here and I love it as much as the kids) and birthdays. We take off for field trips and things like that, too, but rarely do I call off schoolwork if we're at home all day. I'm doing it today, though. It's been so long since they played outside for more than 20 minutes that I just can't bring myself to call them in.

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We had two days in a row of doing very little schoolwork because the weather was sunny and in the low 50's and I knew the next day it was going to drop at least 10 degrees and stay there (or lower) for a while and the kids were so content to play outside while it was so nice.


I know how long winters can feel here, so when there are mild, sunny days and the kids are content to be outdoors for long periods of time, bookwork can wait! No guilt here!

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We had two days in a row of doing very little schoolwork because the weather was sunny and in the low 50's and I knew the next day it was going to drop at least 10 degrees and stay there (or lower) for a while and the kids were so content to play outside while it was so nice.


I know how long winters can feel here, so when there are mild, sunny days and the kids are content to be outdoors for long periods of time, bookwork can wait! No guilt here!

:iagree: We did a lighter day the last two days and got outside to enjoy the lovely weather. I'm consistently amazed at how much it improves my mood, and that goes a long way toward us all having good days over the next week or so ;)

Edited by Momof3littles
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You can't beat fresh air, sun, exercise & exploring! Let them.


It was in the 40's & 50's earlier this week, and I let them play outside for most of the day. The 2nd morning, I told them if they got going right away & did an hour or more of school that they could play the rest of the day. They've never gotten ready so quickly, or so early.:D

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they're in grade 2 and 3? let them play! it may be that when they come in, you can do some great literature and/or math. or maybe not..... your call. i tend to track things by the month, so if we're about in the right place i can be more flexible than if we're behind.


however, middle school is more rigorous, and high school there just isn't so much wiggle room at all. i'd say "enjoy it"!



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