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Proud Moment

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Last night DH took DS12 and DS10 to an Astronomy Night at DS12's school. DS12's school is a selective state school (ie a PS which selects on the basis of IQ scores), and has recently come quite high in the top 100 English state schools, so no slackers there.


Anyway, when they got home DS10 was bursting with excitement and DH had a huge grin. During the evening DS10 had been able to answer most of the questions that came up, and contributed well to the conversation - most of the children there were aged 12+, including many 14 and 15 year olds. Eventually one of the teachers were so impressed by DS10's knowledge, they asked "How old are you, and what school do you got to?". DS10 replied "I'm homeschooled by my mum", which caused a bit of a stir - very few people are homeschooled around here.


They couldn't wait to come home to tell me. It was just what I needed, what with the February blahs, and two small children with stinking colds. I now feel inspired and motivated.


So a combination of Elemental Science Astronomy, the 'George' series by Lucy and Stephen Hawking, the BBC's 'Wonders of the Solar System' and the Magic School Bus, apparently enables a 10 yo to rival the knowledge of 14/15 yos at a high achieving school. I take everything back that I was thinking earlier in the week - homeschooling's amazing :001_smile:.



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We really need those moments from time to time to remind us why we're doing this. You must be very proud of your ds. Congrats!


I had the same kind of feeling when my oldest attended his first history class in college. He corrected his Western Civ professor on a date. Once the professor ascertained that my son was correct, he began to drill him on history dates in front of the entire class. He could not stump my son. He and the professor actually became good friends.

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We really need those moments from time to time to remind us why we're doing this. You must be very proud of your ds. Congrats!


I had the same kind of feeling when my oldest attended his first history class in college. He corrected his Western Civ professor on a date. Once the professor ascertained that my son was correct, he began to drill him on history dates in front of the entire class. He could not stump my son. He and the professor actually became good friends.


Wow, that's very impressive! That would have me smiling inside for a month, at least.


Best wishes



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Awesome - and the timing couldn't have been better :grouphug:!


Smarts aside, how fabulous is it that he didn't walk into a school of selectively chosen teenagers and immediately feel overwhelmed or insecure? His confidence and demeanor are just as impressive, IMO, and he sounds like an all-around great kid.


But you already knew that about him :tongue_smilie:I'm glad some others had a chance to see it, too! (And yay for team homeschool LOL!)

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Awesome - and the timing couldn't have been better :grouphug:!


Smarts aside, how fabulous is it that he didn't walk into a school of selectively chosen teenagers and immediately feel overwhelmed or insecure? His confidence and demeanor are just as impressive, IMO, and he sounds like an all-around great kid.


But you already knew that about him :tongue_smilie:I'm glad some others had a chance to see it, too! (And yay for team homeschool LOL!)


Thank you :001_smile:.


Actually, I think it's not so much confidence and demeanour, as a rather thick skin and lack of awareness of how other people might perceive him :D. He's the kind of child who spends a lot of time in a little world of his own :001_rolleyes:


Best wishes



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Thank you :001_smile:.


Actually, I think it's not so much confidence and demeanour, as a rather thick skin and lack of awareness of how other people might perceive him :D. He's the kind of child who spends a lot of time in a little world of his own :001_rolleyes:


Best wishes




:tongue_smilie:as someone whose parents say the same about her, I'm certain we're both in fabulous company LOL.

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