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dd and I were in lockdown in dif. building (escaped prisoner) at her college

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I drove dd to campus, as usual, and dropped her off at one end and then drive to the only parking lot that has empty spots at that time of day (it and the campus , lots of small seperate one story buildings, are located in a very wooded area). I was walking to the caferteria to get coffee and apparently while I was walking over from the parking lot, the lockdown alert went out. A cop grabbed me and took me into a building and put me in a chemistry class. He said that they were releasing police dogs onto campus. I could hear the helicopters flying overhead. Dd was stopped on her way to her psychology building and put into a math class. We were in totally seperate sections of the campus. Lockdown lasted 2 hours. As soon as I got out, I ran to the math building, got dd and we left campus. I think by that time, the police and dogs were searching a housing complex across the road from the college. It was scary being seperated from dd. THey still have not caught the guy.

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the police just caught the guy, turns out he is wanted in 5 states




Wow -- thank goodness they caught the guy, and I'm so glad you and your dd are safe. If he's wanted in 5 states, he must be a pretty bad guy, so it's very lucky that he didn't hurt anyone on campus.


It would have been far less scary if your dd had been with you the whole time. It must have been awful to be separated and to keep wondering if she would be OK.

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Catwoman, my cell phone did not work to call dd and only texting would go thru part of the time so I hated that dd was not with me but our classroom door was locked from the inside so there was no way I could have got out, plus when the cop told me that they were releasing the police dogs on campus I would not have been that eager to leave the classroom. At least dd had a classroom with a bathroom unlike the one I was in. It turned out that this was the very first lockdown ever on this campus so it actually was very organised.

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Catwoman, my cell phone did not work to call dd and only texting would go thru part of the time so I hated that dd was not with me but our classroom door was locked from the inside so there was no way I could have got out, plus when the cop told me that they were releasing the police dogs on campus I would not have been that eager to leave the classroom. At least dd had a classroom with a bathroom unlike the one I was in. It turned out that this was the very first lockdown ever on this campus so it actually was very organised.


Ultimately, it's great to know that the college is well-prepared for this kind of an emergency, but I wish you would have only seen it on the news at home, instead of having been there. :grouphug:

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At least dd had a classroom with a bathroom unlike the one I was in. It turned out that this was the very first lockdown ever on this campus so it actually was very organised.

I'm glad to hear the procedure went well -- how scary!!


When I was an Elementary Schoolteacher, we would hold a mock disaster drill via CERT training that was citywide. All campuses were lockdowned (this was prior to Columbine -- but we had gang violence in So. CA city) and the local Fire Dept observed us (graded us) on how we did tasks like triage, search & rescue, morgue, etc. We did this every year.


That being said, drills are far more serious from being in a REAL scenario. I am curious how the staff and students reacted to the alert and lockdown? How did the professor react? And what about basics like using a wastebasket for the potty in a closed off section of the room? (We were trained to think of situations like this in CERT.)

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