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I was given the old "bait and switch"- now what do I do?

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On the whole x-ray radiation thing, the question is whether they were digital (with a sensor) or regular. If they were digital, then the radiation was WAY lower than the old kind, like 90% lower.


Digital. This makes me feel much, much better!


(And thank you for understanding that the real issue is what I need to do to keep my ds' health safe while still getting other quotes.)

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generally x-rays are property of the medical practice that took them. they are doing this as a service to you, expecting you to use them - but if you choose not to, they aren't charging you for the x-rays that they will take a loss on.


It might be possible to go to another practice for your ds's eval, and have that ortho request the x-rays as a professional courtesy.

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Maybe your dentist can help you out. At your ds's next routine dental exam, they'll want to look at x-rays. If your insurance is like mine, they will only pay for one set a year. The ortho might be more willing to send your xrays to the dentist. I think orthos need to stay on dentists' good sides to encourage referrals. :D If your dentist is like mine, she'd then give you a copy for other ortho referrals. :D

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:iagree: If your insurance paid for them then they should be yours. That's not free or at the ortho's expense.


Ok, I change my vote. :D If your insurance was billed, they're yours. I find it odd that they call it a "free" consult if they're billing your insurance. I just did an ortho consult for my ds and it was completely free, including x-rays and no one was billed. :001_huh:

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