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re: 7yo boys

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Have you ever discussed this issue?


My 7yo, boy throws his body around when he moves. He slips or falls at least 3 times a day. He drops food and drinks often. There are always tears when these things happen.


This is obviously a self control issue because he doesn't always do this. It is quite clear when it happens that he was being careless. I will just begin to relax when whoops there he goes again. It's starting to get annoying. The rest of my kids think it is amusing.


He does have to clean up any messes he makes.


Is there any practical way to address this problem, or should I just wait til he outgrows it? sigh.

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They do seem to have a hard time controlling those bodies, don't they.


My middle ds is the biggest klutz I've ever seen. The messiest eater in the house as well. He messier than my 3 yr old.


My ds has SPD, sensory processing disorder, and that contributes to most of his issues.


Karate and piano lessons actually are supposed to help as it teaches them to pay attention to their bodies at all times.


Other than that I just try to be patient, which is not a strong point for me.


There are days that I feel sorry for him because he is always getting hurt. He broke three bones in three years. First his arm, then his nose, and then his other arm. It's been just over a year since he broke the last arm, and I've been holding my breath waiting for it to happen again.

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First, I just have to say that I love 7 year olds. Boys are pretty clumsy at that age, but wow, the conversations.... priceless.


I noticed that my kids would have growing spurts that would leave them clumsy for a couple of days as they adjusted to the changes in the lenghts of their arms, legs, etc. Tae Kwon Do was helpful for my guys, as was dance for my dd. These were activities that kept them in touch with their ever changing bodies.

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Have you ever discussed this issue?


My 7yo, boy throws his body around when he moves. He slips or falls at least 3 times a day. He drops food and drinks often. There are always tears when these things happen.


This is obviously a self control issue because he doesn't always do this. It is quite clear when it happens that he was being careless. I will just begin to relax when whoops there he goes again. It's starting to get annoying. The rest of my kids think it is amusing.


He does have to clean up any messes he makes.


Is there any practical way to address this problem, or should I just wait til he outgrows it? sigh.


honestly, it sounds like a sensory processing problem - those behaviors are *stereotypical* (almost textbook) of processing problems. adults will often think they are just clumsy/lazy/etc, but it is a neurological immaturity that the child needs help to overcome.


eta: sensory-processing-disorder.com or an Occupational Therapist who works specifically with children with sensory problems. this is NOT "just outgrown".

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My ds8 has been like that for a couple of years! He has been in dance, tumbling, and wrestling and can manage to control his body fairly well during those times. However, when walking on the sidewalk for less than half a block, he is guaranteed to stumble, trip, or fall.


I'm pretty sure it's just a phase. I hope so, anyway!

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