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Talk me down. I did something so stupid.

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I really didn't get a spooky vibe from this guy. I don't know if I'm over reacting because of lack of sleep or if I totally under-reacted in the first place.


Y'all are stressing me out, but it's good to be cautious, which is why I posted in the first place.


Since he said he's doing what is basically an internal audit, I would guess his assignments do not come through the service dept.


Everything seemed legit, and you were comfortable while he was there. (Have you read Gavin deBecker's The Gift of Fear that's mentioned here frequently?) So he wasn't asking you any questions that were out of place, or otherwise creeping you out.


I'd pursue higher up with the phone company. I'm thinking you'll find more info that way.

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I think taking pictures is a good idea, but I am :lol: at the thought of putting my SSN on stuff "in case it gets stolen." Surely that's the last thing I want to give a thief?

I know but that is the number they suggested. I thought it odd too.


One site suggests your driver license number.

Edited by jennsmile
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I can tell you that I worked for a communications company for years before I stayed home, and if someone was going out to QC a tech, we wouldn't have record of it in the call center or offices. The tech managers would pull work orders randomly to check the techs work. I honestly do not think you have anything to be worried about.

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Thanks for the replies! :grouphug: I don't know what I would have done without you all since dh was in a meeting and I had no way to reach him.


Before calling the police I decided to call the phone company one more time. I spent 90 or so minutes on the phone with them. :willy_nilly: Some of the people had reactions that left me panicking. One lady was incredulous that they guy failed to leave their business card and made it seem like that alone was suspect of it not being an employee. :confused: I figure stuff happens and people forget. Let's just say it took a while to get some concrete answers.


Apparently the phone company does contract out some of their work, but not all. It is their practice to follow up on jobs done because they are contracted out, so having a guy come by claiming this is not out of the ordinary. They are supposed to call ahead of time, BUT it is not unheard of that the guy didn't if he was in my area. It is also routine for them to take pictures of things that are not done properly.- in this case, the wiring job at the panel. In fact, she said that he would have been obligated to take pictures of the poor wiring as part of his job. I described the badge to her (and was so embarrassed I couldn't even recall the guys' name) and she verified that that was indeed what their badges look like.


This information came from a manager.


That all said, she couldn't verify that the man that came by this afternoon was indeed an employee sent by them but she said that this was elevated to the next level of investigation and I should be hearing back from them, hopefully soon.


While I was on the phone with the manager, she sent emails to a couple people- one being the manager of the service department, another to a supervisor who she suspected it was today, and another to that supervisor's manager- asking if they were aware of anyone having been to my location.


Given all this information, and the fact that dh was finally home, made me a lot calmer about everything. :chillpill:


Dh and I decided against calling the police because it did sound legit, albeit a bit odd. It's very possible that the guy who came out today doesn't have a big paper trail because of the fact that some of the work is contracted out and there are so many departments involved.


That said, if I don't hear from the phone company by lunch tomorrow that it was indeed one of their guys, I may still call the police.


I still can't believe (well, I can, but ykwim) that I let the guy leave without getting his business card or even remembering his name. :doink:


Thank you all for being there for me. :grouphug:

Edited by plain jane
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