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Before the Code question


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I just bought the before the code books A,B,C and I didn't buy the teacher's manual. Do I need it? The only page I saw in the books where I thought I should have bought it was on the page where it says Listen and follow directions. I hate to buy a TM for one page every 10-12 pages. Does anyone have the directions for those pages or should I just buy the guide. thanks!


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I've never bought the teacher's manual for any of the ETC books.


If there is a page where the TM is needed, I either make up my own thing or we skip it. If I remember right, the page you reference has pictures of things that all begin with the letter you are studying, and we usually just say the picture names and what letter it begins with.

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I have the teacher's guide, and I think it's worth it. We haven't gone very far into book A yet, because I get easily distracted and move on to other stuff, but I pulled out the books to look at because of your post.


There are a lot of tips even for pages that seem self-explanatory. The first page that has a "listen, then follow directions" has a script to say for each picture shown. First you name all the items pictured, so the child knows what it's called (fence, not wall, for example, since this is a page of words that start with F). Then you read the questions given (the script), and have your child follow the directions you give. For example, the first one is: "I am thinking of something that is often made of wood. It keeps animals in a yard. What is it? [fence] Put your finger on the fence. What sound does fence begin with? Color the fence."


For each letter studied in the student book, there is a chapter devoted in the teacher book. Before and after the instructions for completing the pages (as a whole, not before & after each page's instruction) there are tips for phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary...building fluency, building comprehension, writing, reinforcement activities (these are the paragraph headings given). There are also picture book suggestions given for each letter.


The one teacher's guide covers all 3 student books, and with all the suggestions they have in it, you don't need another idea book about phonics and/or phonemic awareness.

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I bought the TM because someone told me it was necessary. I've opened it once. LOL! We haven't gotten very far in book A yet because I let her do them whenever she feels like it 'cause, well, she's 4. The only pages I noticed you might possibly need it was the ones mentioned above. I actually forgot to look in the TM the day she was on the first one of those pages so I just made it up. I told her the names of the pictures and I think I had her color the picture as I said them (emphasizing the letter we were learning). I actually wish I hadn't bought the TM. I didn't for the other ETC books for ds. It's really easy to make up directions for these books.

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for the Before the Code books. You certainly don't need it for ETC1, 2, etc but I do like having it for the ABC books. You are right, you only need it for those few pages, but for me, it is nice not to have to THINK on demand. ;) So, for the few dollars, it is worth it to me. If you don't mind thinking for a minute and making up instructions (using the right names for the various items), I am sure you could do so.

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The only thing I use the TM for is the book recommendations for each letter ... there are usually 1-5 books listed at the beginning of each letter's lesson that I can look for in the library (sadly, my library doesn't always have them). Once I went through the TM on the first letter, I had an idea of what else to do :)

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We recently finished the "C" book and did all three with my dc this year. They really enjoyed them. My dh thinks I should save them!


You really don't "need" the TM. There are some exercises where you might have to do a little improvising, but it truly is no big deal. If it is your first time teaching phonics, you may find the extra info in the TM helpful. I don't know...we're using Phonics Pathways which doesn't come with a TM, and we seem to be doing just fine.

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I know I am in the minority, but I used mine almost everytime. I have used only ETC for teaching my ds how to read. I used the extra activities in the TM as well as the workbook. I like how they have different ways to teach depending on the style of learner. I started with the before books, and have since moved thru to book 3 using the TM for all of the books. I guess it depends on how you will be using them. If it is a suppliment I wouldn't get the TM. If you want to use it as a stand alone I would get them.

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