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Teachers Lodge 1-17-2012

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The Lodge is OPEN but my eyes aren't, not quite yet! We'll be having lots of coffee and conversation today. I'm not sure we're going to have school here! My weekend was very busy, including yesterday, so I still need

a day of rest! :tongue_smilie: I guess that's another good thing about homeschooling. I can take a day off when needed. So today will be a "Personal Day" (maybe also known as a Mental Health Day).



What are you all up to today? Here: see above.


Breakfast? I'm just working on coffee right now, although I was eyeing a couple of different flavors of Hot Pockets in the freezer.


Did you have school yesterday, on MLK Jr Day, or no? I had originally scheduled it but then decided we'd try to meet up with some of my kids ps'd friends. We did meet up but the only one who enjoyed the visit was my daughter and her friend. My son and I were pretty much ignored. But that's another story for another day!


What are you looking forward to today/tonight? Here: I'm looking forward to ballet and jazz tonight (for me)!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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breakfast: coffee (I'm in weight loss mode!)


mlk jr day: my kids did school. We have co-op this week and I didn't want to miss another bookwork day.


tonight: kids have a michigan history class. which reminds me, we were supposed to make pine needle tea for our homework. guess I better get brewing!

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I woke up with a sinus headache and a tickle in my throat, but hey, the sun is shining! (This is my attempt to maintain a positive attitude)


The day started with multiple cups of hot tea, my morning walk, a bowl of Great Grains and a banana.


We never have school on Mondays, because dh always has that day off. We do Saturday instead. We spent yesterday hanging out with extended family.


Today I am looking forward to staying home the whole day. I got a fire going in the woodstove even though it is not that cold today. I've become a pyromaniac. I love me a fire.

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We did a half-day yesterday.


It's snowing like crazy here today and a big storm is expected to blow in tonight. We don't get much snow here in the PNW, so when a lot of it comes like this it's tough to keep the kids on track. Right now my boys think I am the meanest mom ever because I'm not letting them have a snow day like their friends. They were out in it for the entire afternoon yesterday and I'm sure they'll make it out there again today. In the meantime I'll be looking at sad, droopy faces.


This winter weather has me in the mood to bake. Yesterday I made some brownies that were quickly devoured. I think I'll make some sort of cookies later this afternoon but we won't be heading out anywhere tonight, unless it's out to sled down the hill with the kids.

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What are you all up to today? The usual Tuesday gig... allergy shot, school, swim, violin, and trying to keep the house running in my usual spectacular fashion ;)


Breakfast? Coffee and a banana for me; the kids and DH had butter braid.


Did you have school yesterday, on MLK Jr Day, or no? Nope. We did go on a nature walk with some friends, though. I can't say it actually WAS a nature walk because four kids shrieking through the woods tends to freak nature out, but the kids had fun.


What are you looking forward to today/tonight? Um... nothing? Tuesdays are probably my least favorite day of the week.

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Good Morning.

This morning is cold and snowy so it is hard to get moving. Breakfast for me is my usual Greek yogurt, flax and berries. One dd had gf pancakes and the other is making cream of wheat.

I was off for MLK day for the first time ever so I took the girls to the nature and science museum. We're calling it a field trip.


Today, hmmm. I have nothing special planned except working with older dd alone while younger is at school. We're going to cover Plato's Allegory of the Cave which leads to terrific discussions. I am also looking forward to picking up younger, because we always have a great talk on the way home.

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What are you all up to today? Normally Mondays are our easiest day of the week (minimal outside commitments), but since yesterday was a holiday, Tuesday is hitting us "full-force" today! Lots of schoolwork to get done, plus I have both of the little girls that I babysit.


Breakfast? The kids had cinnamon toast and oranges, or cereal. I had some leftover popcorn. :tongue_smilie:Lunch is probably going to be leftover meatballs & noodles, with a side of cucumbers & carrots. Dinner is in the crockpot---cheesy chicken over egg noodles. I'll serve it with green beans.


Did you have school yesterday, on MLK Jr Day, or no? We did not have school yesterday. My dh is a public school teacher and was off. We took the day off to spend with him. My oldest dd had an extra dance rehearsal in the morning. Dh had a dentist appt. and my middle dd had Girl Scouts last night.


What are you looking forward to today/tonight? Bedtime? LOL! Really, nothing too exciting going on today. Just trying to plug away and get a lot done. Dd14 has dance from 4-8pm tonight. DH and ds have Cub Scouts from 7-8:30.

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Luvnlattes, I used to live up in Washington so I know what you mean about the snow! In fact, during the two and a half years we lived there, we went back to the Midwest twice, during December. Each time we left Washington, it would get a dump of snow while we were gone. It got so that we'd jokingly warn people when we were leaving the state!


I say let your kids have their snow day! There are enough days without the snow to get school done. Besides, I'm just jealous. I live in the low desert. No snow EVER here. Can I come visit you today? :D



Eternalknot, you always make me smile!

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What are you all up to today? I played taxi. :tongue_smilie: The Teen had youth club, p.e. and play practice and we all went to the grocery store and library together. Oh, and fit in school, too.


Breakfast? Pork chops w/panko breading over rice and veggies for me, oatmeal for the Teen and cereal for the monstertoddler. I'm not big on breakfast sweets. Leftovers always seem better.


Did you have school yesterday, on MLK Jr Day, or no? We did. It's not a big holiday here and it was cold outside!


What are you looking forward to today/tonight? Relaxing. We're having salad and breadsticks for dinner and then have nothing planned for after. I think I'll veg out on the couch until it's time to put the monstertoddler to bed.

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What We're Up to Today - Today will be a normal day of school, chores, trying to cross of at least some of the stuff on my to-do list. . . I'm not sure if we'll get out in the snow or not - the snow is still there but it looks like it is turning more to slush. Yuck! I hate slush because it is so slippery.


Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 everything bagel thin, water


School Yesterday - Well, it's funny because I had planned on a snow day and had even mentioned that to the kids, but when I looked up from breakfast, the kids had already gotten out their school stuff and were getting it done! We still took an hour off in the morning. I drove them to a local park and stayed huddled in the car while they sled. (Cold weather does very bad things to my pain level.)


Looking forward to - Zumba tonight! The worst thing about yesterday was that the Y was closed for MLK Day.

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It's going to be a very busy week here.


Today is sort of interesting, there is martial arts & a American Girl (very beloved) class, then we are meeting with friends and I'm going to talk to a young man who's going back into PS tomorrow and is at a loss about what AP classes to take / what are they about & such.


Hopefully I will get a chance to spend some one on one with one of her daughters who's doing photography as well. I'm talking to some art instructors today also about meeting next week to go over my lesson plans & critique them.


I think we'll be on the road from about 9:30 till about 9 tonight. The whole week is just jammed like this.


I can't think about it too much or I start holding my breath. There's a lot of really good things happening here.


We spent quite a bit of time yesterday watching MLK biographies. The little one doesn't think it's milk day anymore. :)



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I say let your kids have their snow day! There are enough days without the snow to get school done. Besides, I'm just jealous. I live in the low desert. No snow EVER here. Can I come visit you today? :D


We ended up with about 7 inches today! That is A LOT for us in one day. They're saying about the same amount is expected tomorrow. You're welcome to come over :) .


I let the 2 younger ones head out about 11:00 and my oldest was out at 12:30....so I wasn't quite as mean as they thought I would be :D .

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