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I have a wretched sore throat -- what do I take?

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Okay, so don't read any further if you're eating your lunch . . .


I have that horrible sore throat that comes from having "stuff" at the back of your throat . . . you know, the post-nasal sort of stuff that just . . . is there. And won't go away. And keeps you awake ALL night long. Which means the cat, who can *sense* that you are awake, even when you are pretending to be asleep, thinks that it is fun to turn the bed into a nocturnal bouncy gym. But I digress.


So I have stuff, and a very sore throat, and I don't know what to take. And I want my mommy and I want to go to bed and not get up for a week.


Am I the only person who has days in which the sole objective of the day is to get to bedtime?

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If you want natural remedies, try taking a teaspoon or so of apple cider. Rinse with it or swallow it. Yogurt is also helpful. Warm Saltwater gargling is also soothing. Tylenol or your regular pain medication would help too.


Try some hot tea with honey. I hope you feel better.

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Yogi Tea makes a sore throat blend. I LOVE this stuff!!! Coupled with a good bit of honey, it really feels good!


But, I think several people here have recommended whiskey with great results. If you can't bear it, sleep through it!:D


Your cat cracks me up!


Hope you feel better soon,



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Hot tea with a cough drop in it does wonders for me! Of course hot water & salt gargle and last but not least if you have one of those baby nasal aspirators, make your own warm water and salt concoction and squirt up one nostril at a time and the nasty stuff will eventually become dislodged and start flowing out. Quite disgusting so make sure to do it over the sink. :)

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We always use Apple Cider vinegar. I use 2 tsp in about a cup of water. I take it every 3 hours and usually 2 or 3 "doses" and my sore throat is gone. We also follow that up with a raw honey and it helps to soothe- plus it just tastes good. :-)

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I get sore throats very easily -- every time the weather changes. I think it has to do with still having my tonsils.


Gargling with hydrogen peroxide and water doesn't make the pain completely go away - although it does relieve it some. It does, however, make my sore throat go away quickly -- sometimes the same day!


HTH - I "feel" your pain :o\

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"Gargling with hydrogen peroxide and water doesn't make the pain completely go away - although it does relieve it some. It does, however, make my sore throat go away quickly -- sometimes the same day!"


This what I was going to say. I had the beginnings of strep (ds had it the week before and I could see the little white dots) and gargled with hp in the evening, morning and evening again and it was completely gone in the morning. I couldn't believe it.


At the beginning of a sickness you can also put a few drops into the ear canal. They have found that bacteria enters into your body through the ear canal as well as the eyes, nose, and mouth. Leave 2-3 drops in for about 10min or until your ears stop bubbling.


Hope you feel better soon.

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Plenty of fluids.

Make yourself a big flask of hot honey and lemon (boiling water with lemon juice and honey added until it is nice and strong).

Take it easy and have lots of warm baths. Get well soon,



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Guest spicygirl

My father swears by the whole hydrogen peroxide thing.


I also think that Cepacol sore throat drops also help me. They are strong and numb my throat. I also take tylenol at the same time.

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We don't treat the throat. We treat the post-nasal drip. Take a decongestant, and an antihistamine if you're not driving. Once the drip is gone, the sore throat will go away.


I say "we" loosely. Dh doesn't treat the throat at all -- just the drip. I treat the drip, but take some Tylenol for the pain while I'm waiting for the decongestant to work.

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This stuff helped kill the pain even when I had strep! It has slippery elm in it, which really helps. It tastes great too, like licorice. Traditional Medicinals is widely available in many grocery stores. And be SURE to do the raw honey/apple cider vinegar too-mix it in warm, not hot water (which would kill the good enzymes) and gargle and then swallow. Get a good apple cider vinegar like Bragg's. Feel better!!

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1/4 tsp cayenne

1/4 tsp ginger

1 TBS honey

1 TBS apple cider vinegar

2 TBS water


Shake up and drink up - about 1 or 2 TBS at a time is usually enough. I often make a double batch for dh when he gets this and he has a dose when needed through the day.


It works wonders on those aggravating coughs where you really aren't coughing up stuff but your throat is just inflamed from exactly what you mentioned, causing coughing fits that won't quit.


Now, if your throat hurts really bad you may have to leave out the cayenne but I swear that's one of the main parts to stop the coughing in its tracks so only skip it if you fear it'll make the soreness worse.

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