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Best Slow Cooker cookbook?

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There are qualifications for recipes for busy homeschooling parents, right? I'm looking for a great cookbook for my slow cooker that doesn't use processed stuff, and doesn't require too much fussing before, during, and after the cooking.


Do you have a book you use a lot?


I suppose a website will do too, but I prefer a book since I just print out the recipes online anyway. :D



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I like crockpot365.blogspot.com She also has a cookbook, but the blog has most of it, FREE!




I love these and actually bought both books. There are a few more recipies that what's on the website, but it was more bacause I like flipping through the books and having them in the kitchen when I cook.





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I love these and actually bought both books. There are a few more recipies that what's on the website, but it was more bacause I like flipping through the books and having them in the kitchen when I cook.






:iagree:Every recipe I've tried of hers has been awesome! Even salmon filets--in the crock pot! Crazy, but they were amazing!

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Saving Dinner's 20 for the Freezer Crock Pot ebook


I have been cooking from this 1-2 times a week. It is so easy as you make freezer meals in bags & freeze them before cooking. When you want to cook a meal, just thaw & put in CP, no fuss :D I usually forget to thaw & just put the frozen meal in the CP & cook a couple hours longer. I like that the shopping lists are by meat so I can take advantage of sales. Next week pork is on sale, so I plan to make up 5 pork freezer meals for later in the month. It is much easier than the OAM cooking I've done in the past.



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