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What a difference a day makes!!

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Yesterday I was so fed up with homeschooling that I was looking for the nearest bus to put 4 of my kids on. The entire day was counter-productive. I felt like all I did was hold my 11 and 13yo hands while they did work that they should certainly have been able to do on their own. My 5yo was begging to do school and I had no time to fit in even a few minutes. By the time we finished, it was after 4:30, the lunch dishes were still in the sink and my brain actually hurt. I wanted to hide under my bed until they all went away.


Once I calmed down, I realized that we need to do it differently. I thought that maybe if each child had 30 uninterrupted minutes with me, it might give them the autonomy to do what they can on their own, and still have individual access to me when they genuinely needed help. So I set up a schedule. School now begins at 9am sharp. In each 30 min block of time, the kids will either be working alone, using the computer (Teaching Textbooks) or will be working with me. We started today.


For the first time in weeks, my 5yo did all her kindergarten work, my kids didn't fight, yell, instigate or harass each other. Everyone had all their work done by noon! And the best part? I am not looking for a bus to put them on! I REALLY enjoyed homeschooling for the first time in months.


That's all. Thanks for listening.

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It certainly does doesn't it? :) Homeschooling certainly feels like a roller coaster ride a lot of the time. I always tell myself when it's all going downhill to just grit my teeth and hang on tight (scream if I need to) and it will get better once we get around this curve. Good luck to you and yours. I'm so glad your day is going better! It's so good to celebrate it when it comes!! :grouphug:

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