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How do all of you do it with multiple children?


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It is usually my two ds (11 & 3) while we home educate. Now I have my dd here for a week and all is confusion. (she lives with her dad and goes to ps) We are in our last week and have quiet a few things to really get done to end on a good point. Well today was a flop.


So, my question is how do I do this? How do I make this work for everyone and still get what we need done? I would prefer to get some great advice from you all, then turn gray in a week. Or have a nervous break down. I just have felt overwhelmed all day.


Should I throw her in like a summer school course or something?


Please help. Also Thank you in advance!!!

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Honestly? If this is the only week she is here, I would take this week off school and have fun activities for all the kids (field trips, pool days, etc), then come back and finish up school next week. More fun for her, more together time for everyone, and no "hey, how come she isn't doing school?" feelings from your other kids.

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Should I through her in like a summer school course or something?


Please help. Also Thank you in advance!!!


No, definitely don't do that. If I were your dd nothing would make you dislike you more... to be at home with the other two all day long and then when she stays for a whole week to be sent away while they get to be with you still would seem awful.

How do we do it? We just had number eight three weeks ago. We get to grow into it! :) So don't be too hard on yourself. I agree with the other poster! Take the week off. If you're stressing about school this odd week, you won't enjoy your dd and life is too short with your kiddos to NOT take this week off and enjoy getting to be together for once! This is a huge opportunity for your whole family, especially you and your dd.

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What is a summer course review? And how old is your dd?


I like the idea of taking the week off and making this week all about fun and being together. The 3 yo is probably not doing school yet and the 11 yo could do some reading, math pages, hand writing here and there, mostly the stuff he can do independently. Maybe while he's doing that, you and dd could be doing some cooking or baking in the kitchen?

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First of all, brreeeaaatthhee.:D You will find your rhythm, I promise. It just takes some time.


Is it possible for her to help you with your 3 year old? She can read aloud to him, do puzzles, color, build legos, etc. Maybe if you pitch it to her as helping you, she would not see it as babysitting.


I think if you just set the ground rules from the beginning and are loving, firm and gentle concerning getting school work accomplished, you should be able to get everything done that you need to.:grouphug:

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