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Downton Abbey Season - post AFTER viewing

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I feel more sorry for Edith this season. Mary (and the rest of the family by inaction and preference) has molded her into a completely insecure person who is going to shore up those insecurities in any way possible.


I found myself wondering about the back story to this - the animosity between Mary and Edith. Then there was that conversation while making up beds, and Anna was talking about how Mary was engaged to (or at least known to be intended for) the cousin that died in the Titantic sinking. But it was Edith who was in love with that cousin, and it was hinted that the cousin loved Edith, too.


So here's Mary, duty-bound to marry the heir to Grantham, no matter whether he is frog or prince, no matter whether he loves her or not, least of all regardless of whether or not she actually loves him.


And Edith, unable to marry her true love, who is duty bound to marry her older sister, whether he loves her or not or is loved in return.


What a recipe for disaster. Yet I think they each have temperaments that would have clashed anyway, kwim? I can see Mary and Sybil as daughters of Cora and the Earl, but Edith's personality just doesn't reckon. Maybe one day they'll do Downton Abbey: The Wonder Years, and we'll know for certain. :)

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Don't pay vast sums. PBS online.


:iagree: There's also a free iPad app! I've watched all of season one and the start of season 2 on my iPad for free this week. I'd never watched any of it before about a week ago and now I'm completely hooked. I'm already drooling for the next episode. Dying to find out the scandal relating to Matthew's fiance, who just seems so sweet.


I want to have a tea party too! That sounds wonderful! I love the depth, complexity, and witty humor of this show. And we don't watch TV at all. I am still reeling from Mrs. O'Brien and the bar of soap in season one. I need to see that woman come undone and go down in a big way. I cannot stand Thomas either!


My favorite characters are Sybil, Carson, Bates and Anna, and Lord Grantham. And Matthew. Matthew should be featured in a kilt! :thumbup:

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I found myself wondering about the back story to this - the animosity between Mary and Edith. Then there was that conversation while making up beds, and Anna was talking about how Mary was engaged to (or at least known to be intended for) the cousin that died in the Titantic sinking. But it was Edith who was in love with that cousin, and it was hinted that the cousin loved Edith, too.


I believe it was said that Edith loved him and Mary didn't, but Mary was engaged (unless something better came along). Of course it was hinted that Mary should 'let Edith have him' (by Edith herself) because Edith actually cared, but we don't know what the original gentleman actually thought. I assume he liked Mary for her looks and Mary liked taking something away from Edith (while making her parents happy). At least for the time being.


The whole family has contributed to Edith's insecurity. Even her mother and father worry in whispers about her looks and her abilities to catch a man. She's also ignored a lot more than spoiled Mary. Unfortunately, the whole system is set up so that she's only successful if she attracts a man...which no one thinks she can do. I appreciated that last season she decided that she was worthwhile, even if it meant a series of embarrassing situations and continually lowering her standards. She's so desperate to be considered attractive and important to someone.


I suppose it will end by her sleeping with someone who doesn't care about her. If she'd only find some other way to get respect (work, volunteering) and get out of the dysfunctional competitive relationship with Mary, she'd probably be fine. She's far too caught in a reactionary relationship right now to really be herself.

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You can watch all the episodes incl. the Christmas Special here for free. You just have to X the pop-up ads.


It's interesting to watch the "Behind the Drama" segment & the Behind the scenes stuff on PBS



Just wait till you get to the end!!!!


Warning: Don't watch the Christmas Special unless you want a WHOLE lot of spoilers about what goes on in Season 2. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: You can also watch the entire Christmas Special on Youtube.

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I had hoped that Edith would write to Whatshisname and explain that there must have been a misunderstanding when he spoke to Mary. I can't stand Edith and like Mary overall, but what Mary did to Edith was horrid and made me sad for her. I thought they were cute together.



I know. We were all like, "so walk after him and ask him what is wrong and changed you big dope!"


But alas, she didn't.


On the plus side, that fella dodged a bullet getting Mary for a sil!

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