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Libby had her first swim therapy today

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Many of you have asked about Libby, our six year old Springer Spaniel who was hit by a car in September. She's done well with chiropactic and accupuncture but was starting to plateau. Today she had her first swim therapy session at a "dog spa". It was a large pool, kept to a very warm 94 degrees. The therapist was in the water with her, supporting her and at times giving her a warm water massage. For every 4 strokes of a doggie paddle with her good front paw, she would get in 1 stroke with her bad front paw. My job was to keep walking around the pool because she would try to swim to me and this way we got her to do a full lap at a time. Dd10 was actually in the water with Libby and the therapist to help Libby's comfort level.


The therapist said that the muscles on her bad leg are pretty badly atrophied and that alone could account for her not even trying to bear weight on that leg. Right now we're trying to figure out how much we can afford to sign her up for (packages are much cheaper per hour than paying for each individual session).

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Wow, Jean what an experience for your dd. For you, too, of course, but I think this is the kind of thing that makes a life long impact on a child your dd's age. It is so fascinating that this is even an option for your family!


Hope Libby enjoyed it, too, and will benefit if future sessions are in the picture.

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