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is there a hairstyle...

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...that's low maintenance (quick to style) and keeps hair out of your face without clips or scrunchies or headbands? I have never had a hair style I actually liked and I am tired of braiding my hair or using clips, but I cannot stand hair flopping in my face either. I have shoulder length hair with bangs. I'd be willing to cut it to chin length, but no shorter (no pixie cuts!).

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After 30 years of having hair below my shoulders, I had to cut mine a few months ago. I have an autoimmune disease and styling my hair is very difficult due to pain in my shoulder muscles and joints.


Anyway, my hair is now above chin length in the back and right at chin length in the front. It's a very edgy cut and I get stopped almost every time I go out, which has been very nice since I've struggled emotionally with cutting it. I got my ideas from Pinterest. If you look, there are a lot of nice hairstyles. There is one of a redhead with purple coloring, that's the cut I now have and I LOVE IT. It takes me about 5 minutes to style it. There was a learning curve and it did take about a month for my hair to learn to be short, but it's been worth it.

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In my former life :D I had a career and short hair. I had a stacked bob kinda like this (even though this is a little girl, LOL). It was easy to just blow dry and go. It always looked cute just like it was, but then I could put clips and stuff in it if I *wanted* to.


I kinda miss it, to be pefectly honest. :) I have long hair now.

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I have a chin-length bob with no fringe (bangs). It stays out of my face unless it's windy. It's roughly like this. I just roughly blow dry it with my head upside down, then brush the ends underneath.




I like this look...but maybe with bangs, because it would take a long time to grow my bangs out to chin length. I wonder if that would work for me though--my hair has a lot of body to it and it just poofs out near the bottom. It was even worse when I blow dried it! Actually my last cut was a chin length bob, but I got way too much poof with it.

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I like this look...but maybe with bangs, because it would take a long time to grow my bangs out to chin length. I wonder if that would work for me though--my hair has a lot of body to it and it just poofs out near the bottom. It was even worse when I blow dried it! Actually my last cut was a chin length bob, but I got way too much poof with it.



Did you have the right brush? There really are "right" brushes for blow drying and Paul Mitchell Skinny Serum is awesome for sleek, non - poofy styles. I use a flat iron when I want extra sleek form, but even then, it is a 30 second job!

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My hair is cut like this




The secret to good hair is a really good, expensive, cut. If you have poofing hair, you have to get it chipped or razored out as the last part of the cut.


This youtube video shows how a good stylist cuts the hair, dries it, then finishes the cut after it is dry





This video shows the hair cut both wet and dry.


Edited by Sheldon
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I have a chin-length bob with no fringe (bangs). It stays out of my face unless it's windy. It's roughly like this. I just roughly blow dry it with my head upside down, then brush the ends underneath.




:D Totally how I picture you based on nothing more than your signature LOL. Very cute style!


OP, I have long hair. No bangs. Mine is heavy and coarse, so it doesn't fly in my face if I leave it down. I have a friend who has long hair, but her texture is different and she's always getting these flyaway strands. They don't bother her, but they remind me of little gnats or flies she's always swatting away. That would drive me nuts.


If you hair is like mine, grow it longer and ditch the fringe. My hair stays out of the way long and down, but it takes all of 3 minutes to wrap it up in a bun, pony, or large hairclip -in a nice way, not a messy jawclip kind of way- for those "fancy" days LOL.


The longer it gets, the heavier it becomes and the flatter it rests. I can bend over to tie my shoe, and it won't fall into my face. Love it. Plus aside from a brushing here and there, it's definitely low-maintenance!

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