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Need Grammar recomendations, please...

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Ok, so I had planned on beginning Advanced Language Lessons with ds11 this month, but since it is not going to be released, obviously I need a new plan. We have used R&S (3 & 4) but it just isn't a door I want to open again. I'm looking for something open & go/easy to use and fairly inexpensive. So...anyone have any suggestions for me?

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What about Junior Analytical Grammar (JAG)? It isn't inexpensive, but not as costly as some others, $40 I think. However, part of that is the teacher's guide which you could use again with other children and just have to buy the student book again later. While we haven't used JAG yet, (plan to with my DS) DD is using AG, their program for older students. She said this is finally the grammar program that makes sense and sticks. It doesn't take a lot of time, is open and go and has built in review.

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Have you looked at Hake? There was a thread awhile back about what people were going to use instead of ALL and many said they were choosing Hake. I myself have been using R&S for the last 3 years and have decided mid year that we are ready for something secular but just as thorough. I've used EG, and CLE as well. One was too easy and one was way too religious. I've checked out many other programs and settled on Hake because it seemed to be similar to R&S in thoroughness, could be done independently, and was spiral (which I think might work better for us than the mastery approach of R&S).

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