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What is wrong with me?? I can't figure out how to make an intnt'l call. Help, please!

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You mentioned calling her cell phone. Is this a US cell phone/number that she took with her? If so, assuming she activated international roaming, you should be able to call her same number and her wireless provider will automatically forward the call. If she does not have international roaming activated, that would explain why you can't reach her.


If she activated a new cell # in Spain, dial as follows:

  • 011 - US exit code; must be dialed first for all international calls made from the USA or Canada
  • 34 - Country Code for Spain
  • phone number - 9 digits
  • US to Spain international dialing format: 011 + 34 + ??? ??? ???


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Are you dialing 011 first? You dial that first, then the country code, for Spain, I think it's 34, but I'm not sure. If there is a 0 in front of her city code, don't dial that. That is just for internally within the country.



Yes, I dialled 011 then 34 then the number. Over and over again. :tongue_smilie:

Are you supposed to get a dial tone again after you dial 011? Because I don't get one.

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Did she bring her phone from here? If so, is it set up to work when she's out of the country? Not all phones do that automatically.
She just bought a phone through her language institute. I called the stateside office to make sure I had the correct number, and I do. But--:confused:


You mentioned calling her cell phone. Is this a US cell phone/number that she took with her? If so, assuming she activated international roaming, you should be able to call her same number and her wireless provider will automatically forward the call. If she does not have international roaming activated, that would explain why you can't reach her.



If she activated a new cell # in Spain, dial as follows:


  • 011 - US exit code; must be dialed first for all international calls made from the USA or Canada

  • 34 - Country Code for Spain

  • phone number - 9 digits

  • US to Spain international dialing format: 011 + 34 + ??? ??? ???




So, I am following this format, but still get the sound that, in the US, is the busy signal. :willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly: I am going through Gracie-withdrawals!

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Are you calling from a cell phone or a landline? Are you sure that you have international calling enabled from the phone you are using?


Checking on this now....


I know this is not a national emergency or anything, but gollllllly, I miss my girl. I just want to hear that she is comfortable and noone is trying to harvest her kidneys. :lol:

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She just bought a phone through her language institute. I called the stateside office to make sure I had the correct number, and I do. But--:confused:





So, I am following this format, but still get the sound that, in the US, is the busy signal. :willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly: I am going through Gracie-withdrawals!



Let it ring several times. It might not be a busy signal, but the actual ring. Some overseas rings just sound like long beeps.

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Are you calling from a cell phone or a landline? Are you sure that you have international calling enabled from the phone you are using?


Check the account of the phone you are trying to call on. It may have international calls blocked. That is a setting on the account. You may have to call your phone service provider to have international calls turned on.



Looks like this is the problem.


I'm on the phone with the phone company now. I had no idea that I couldn't just dial the country code and get a hefty charge; boy, things have changed since I was a mere youth.


(Ugh, the person helping me did not know that WA was the abbreviation for Washington --he thought it was Wyoming. :001_huh: And he's having a little trouble getting me set up. I think I need a new agent!)

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I just wanted to say, "Thanks!" again to everyone for helping me figure out what was the matter.


It turns out, not only could we not dial international numbers, we couldn't even receive international calls. Hunh. I would never have suspected that was the problem.


Just after I got off the phone with Century Link, Grace called me on one of our cell phones (which also was not enabled for international outgoing calls, but was obviously able to receive then.) It was fabulous to be able to hear the joy in her voice. She is loooooooving Sevilla.

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I just wanted to say, "Thanks!" again to everyone for helping me figure out what was the matter.


It turns out, not only could we not dial international numbers, we couldn't even receive international calls. Hunh. I would never have suspected that was the problem.


Just after I got off the phone with Century Link, Grace called me on one of our cell phones (which also was not enabled for international outgoing calls, but was obviously able to receive then.) It was fabulous to be able to hear the joy in her voice. She is loooooooving Sevilla.



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You may want to consider purchasing a prepaid calling card. It's been a long time since I made an international call, but I remember it being significantly less expensive this way. You will have to dial quite a few more numbers though.


Glad you were able to speak to your daughter.


ETA: It looks like calling cards might be as little as .01 a minute.

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I just wanted to say, "Thanks!" again to everyone for helping me figure out what was the matter.


It turns out, not only could we not dial international numbers, we couldn't even receive international calls. Hunh. I would never have suspected that was the problem.


Just after I got off the phone with Century Link, Grace called me on one of our cell phones (which also was not enabled for international outgoing calls, but was obviously able to receive then.) It was fabulous to be able to hear the joy in her voice. She is loooooooving Sevilla.


Good news!!! And both kidneys intact!!! :lol:

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