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Culinary Schools

SW in IL

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A friend wants to go to culinary school. He really wants to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Culinary Arts (yes, it is an actual degree!). He was accepted at one school (Kendall College in Chicago) that offers the degree he wants but couldn't get enough financial aid to make it affordable. So, he opted to do 2 years at his local community college and get all his "requirements" out of the way. But now, half way through his first year at community college, he just found out that Kendall College will not accept transfer credits. Then he looked into the Art Institutes Schools and found out that they, too, do not accept transfer credits.


Does anyone know of any schools that offer a bachelor's in culinary arts and that will accept transfer credits and/or an Associate's degree so that he'd only have to do 2 more years or so to earn the coveted degree? Any other ideas/options?




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At one pt our dd thought she wanted to earn a degree in culinary arts. She spoke to a Master French chef and he highly recommend Johnson and Wales. Dd spent quite a bit of time investigating it. FWIW, they have a summer high school program that might be worth looking into for a discernment opportunity.


Good to hear. Middle dd was thinking culinary at one point. She's off that now, but still really enjoys cooking. I think it may come back into play at some point.

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This is the culinary school most well-known in our state, although I don't think it offers BA degrees:




Another school in our area that IS a 4-year college that I believe offers a culinary degree is Southwest Minnesota State University. However, I really know nothing about it.



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