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I made my first green smoothie. Help please.....

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the taste was good. I used 3 kale leaves, 2 romaine, 1/3 bunch cilantro, ginger, 3 stalks celery, 1 pear. I like the taste but the texture........ is this something I need to get used to, or do I add water? I finally put in half a cup water and this helped to mix things more.


My smoothie was warm. Not hot, warm. Too warm. Do you all add ice? Why was mine warm? Is it because I blended it too long? I am using the blender on my Bosch mixer and don't know how many watts the blender is. In my green smoothie book the author recommends a blender of 1000 watts or else you're going to have to chop smaller and blend longer. I'd say I blended for a minute and a half to two minutes. Is that too long?


It's like a ........... slop. Is it supposed to be more drinkable or do I just need to get used to this?


I have a large mason jar in the refrigerator with the leftovers. I'm going to finish this before dinner and eat a healthy, non restricted meal. Will the leftovers keep? I have the lid on the jar. My Bosch blender has a hole on the top so I'm sure air got into my smoothie. I hope this doesn't oxidize it quicker. :confused:


I've never had a green smoothie before. I like it! I will be juicing in the future but felt smoothies were a gentler start. If you juice AND do smoothies, how do you do this? Alternate days?

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I hated green smoothies when I tried jumping right in... So I did half green smoothies by using spinach or kale with some frozen fruits. The frozen fruit made it sweeter and colder which really helped me get started.


I slowly lessened the amount of fruit and am hoping to not include them at all sometime in the near future.


And yes, sometimes I had a cup or so of water if the consistency isn't right.

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I'd add ice and water. I use frozen fruit in mine.


OOOOOH, should I slice up the pears and freeze them? I'm assuming I won't freeze the greens.


I finally added ice after my first cup. It was much better cold. You regularly add water to yours? Mine is rather thick but I don't recall people mentioning that they add water.

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I hated green smoothies when I tried jumping right in... So I did half green smoothies by using spinach or kale with some frozen fruits. The frozen fruit made it sweeter and colder which really helped me get started.


I slowly lessened the amount of fruit and am hoping to not include them at all sometime in the near future.


And yes, sometimes I had a cup or so of water if the consistency isn't right.


oh..... ok. I'll do that.


I actually like the taste, but I've juiced cabbage and drank it before. The smoothie taste is more palatable to me.


I like the frozen fruit idea. Thanks!

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OOOOOH, should I slice up the pears and freeze them? I'm assuming I won't freeze the greens.


I finally added ice after my first cup. It was much better cold. You regularly add water to yours? Mine is rather thick but I don't recall people mentioning that they add water.


I don't know how well pears would freeze, but I'd try it. I use strawberries, blueberries and/or mango. I do always add water. I don't know how else it would get smooth enough to drink.


Juicing is a different story! No water needed.

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the taste was good. I used 3 kale leaves, 2 romaine, 1/3 bunch cilantro, ginger, 3 stalks celery, 1 pear. I like the taste but the texture........ is this something I need to get used to, or do I add water? I finally put in half a cup water and this helped to mix things more.


My smoothie was warm. Not hot, warm. Too warm. Do you all add ice? Why was mine warm? Is it because I blended it too long? I am using the blender on my Bosch mixer and don't know how many watts the blender is. In my green smoothie book the author recommends a blender of 1000 watts or else you're going to have to chop smaller and blend longer. I'd say I blended for a minute and a half to two minutes. Is that too long?


It's like a ........... slop. Is it supposed to be more drinkable or do I just need to get used to this?


I have a large mason jar in the refrigerator with the leftovers. I'm going to finish this before dinner and eat a healthy, non restricted meal. Will the leftovers keep? I have the lid on the jar. My Bosch blender has a hole on the top so I'm sure air got into my smoothie. I hope this doesn't oxidize it quicker. :confused:


I've never had a green smoothie before. I like it! I will be juicing in the future but felt smoothies were a gentler start. If you juice AND do smoothies, how do you do this? Alternate days?


This made me laugh. :lol: I'm on my second day of juicing, and this is exactly how I feel right now.


(actually, I feel like going to bed!! :tongue_smilie: )

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When I first started doing green smoothies, I ended up with this thick goop that was really hard to drink. I finally realized that if I add some water, it's way easier to drink. It also blends better and faster. I've been using coconut water.

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This made me laugh. :lol: I'm on my second day of juicing, and this is exactly how I feel right now.


(actually, I feel like going to bed!! :tongue_smilie: )




I meant slop, as in I should eat it with a spoon. I actually liked the taste! I've done some pretty heavy juicing before.... onion, garlic, etc. :ack2: I just hold my nose and get it down.


I'm not going to be doing anything like that again. I'm going to do juices and smoothies I actually like.

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When I first started doing green smoothies, I ended up with this thick goop that was really hard to drink. I finally realized that if I add some water, it's way easier to drink. It also blends better and faster. I've been using coconut water.


Oooooooo! Does coconut water taste like coconut? I hear it's the latest rage but I haven't checked into it. This is a great idea! Thanks!

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I use my magic bullet to make a fruit smoothie everything morning. I use frozen fruit to keep it cold, a banana for texture, and milk with the yogurt for the liquid. I know the magic bullet needs a certain amount of liquid to blend correctly. I don't know if other blender are that way too.

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I added some water and about 6 ice cubes. HUGE difference. No more slop!!!


Thanks everone!!!


Does anyone make extra and refrigerate?


I make mine in a LARGE batch and place it inside my GALLON pitcher and drink it through-out my entire week. Been doing this for over a year now. Just give it a good stir before pouring into your glass each day :)

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Oooooooo! Does coconut water taste like coconut? I hear it's the latest rage but I haven't checked into it. This is a great idea! Thanks!


I started using coconut water because it's high in potassium and magnesium, both of which I was not getting enough of, even with lots and lots of fruits and veggies. I don't drink it straight (I'm afraid of the coconut taste), but I pour about 4-6 ounces in each smoothie, and I don't taste any coconut flavor. That's enough to make two 16-ounce glasses for me--one for breakfast and one for afternoon snack.

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Green smoothie revolution has a bunch of recipies in it. You don't need it but it is good for ideas.


A banana covers up the green taste, so if you like bananas, it is great to add. I usually add a peeled orange for juice. Try a slice of ginger for spice... its yummy. A handful of frozen blueberries turns it purple/brown, which helps if you're offering it to kids.


I also do diferent kinds of milk: rice, almond, coconut. I have a vitamix (can you tell?)

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RE: Coconut Water


I don't like coconut. I don't like the taste of coconut water by itself, but in a smoothie, it just adds the right amount of liquid with a significant nutritional punch. The other ingredients in the smoothie cover up the very slight flavor that the coconut water has.


Coconut water is a natural electrolyte solution, with more potassium and magnesium, both things our bodies need. Well, mine needed them, anyhow! I highly recommend using it in smoothies.

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