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need a gluten free, dairy free cookie recipe/mix

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My friend gave birth a few days ago and is craving cookies. All her other kids are gluten and dairy sensitive so she is avoiding both while nursing this one, just in case. Her husband tried to make her some but they didn't turn out. Anyone got a recipe for him?

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This is the simplest recipe, especially if she likes peanut butter!



He could also "cheat" and see if these are at the grocery store - I think they're really good and not too expensive where I live.



I have a case of those in my freezer, for quickie cookie fixes. They're really tasty. Had no idea they're dairy free, too!

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When DS1 was GFCF and egg-free, I made chocolate cookies like this:


I used this recipe:



I used soy milk instead of yogurt. I used Earth Balance or Fleishmann's unsalted in place of the butter. I used Enjoy Life chips. For flour, I used a 50/50 mix of amaranth and tapioca. I also put in some xanthan gum, but I can't remember how much. But I think I used this guide:



so it would have been 1/2 tsp x gum per cup of flours.


These cookies were wonderful !

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This is the simplest recipe, especially if she likes peanut butter!



He could also "cheat" and see if these are at the grocery store - I think they're really good and not too expensive where I live.



Thanks, I checked and their store locator says they are in their local publix!!!! With a 2 day old, 2 year old twins, and a 5 year old this seems the way to go!

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Thanks, I checked and their store locator says they are in their local publix!!!! With a 2 day old, 2 year old twins, and a 5 year old this seems the way to go!


Oh, I'm glad they have them available! I'm all for scratch cooking, but sometimes you just need some convenience. :-)

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Oh, I'm glad they have them available! I'm all for scratch cooking, but sometimes you just need some convenience. :-)



And, if your kitchen isn't gluten-free, then it is kind of pointless to try to cook something gluten-free there. Cross contamination is a real problem.


It is wonderful that you are finding these for your friend! They look yummy!

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