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To BA or not to BA, that is the question?


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I think DD (just turned 7) would really enjoy BA-she likes monsters, creepy stuff, and story/wordy math, as well as things that make her think.


But she's been on a math spurt recently, and even adding Fred and lots of extra problems solving and puzzles hasn't slowed her down much. The only reason she's not officially finished with SM4a (and possibly 4B) was that when our schedule got busy in November/December, we took a month-long break from school.


I'm guessing that she'll be finished with SM 4B and LoF fractions, plus big chunks of the Verbal Problems book, Challenge math, and other things by the time BA comes out-and she's DYING to get to "real algebra" (as she puts it).


So, do I go ahead and buy BA, realizing that it's probably going to be mostly review, but in a different way, and that it will probably be a "Read and work through the fun problems" book at best, or skip it and figure that we'll go to AOPS Pre-Algebra after SM 5B, and probably Fred Pre-algebra as well?


I like the looks of the sample chapters, but Geometry isn't really a strength of Singapore (at least, not in 1B,2B or 3B), so almost any detailed presentation would look much more challenging.

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We're in the same boat....and thinking the same thing, "Depends on pricing". DD7 is doing EPGY 4th grade, figure that even as fun as Beast looks, I'm not going to pay for something we dont' actually need. However, I could tell myself I'm getting it now for my younger DD in a few years :)

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We're in the same boat....and thinking the same thing, "Depends on pricing". DD7 is doing EPGY 4th grade, figure that even as fun as Beast looks, I'm not going to pay for something we dont' actually need. However, I could tell myself I'm getting it now for my younger DD in a few years :)



How do you like the newer EPGY? My oldest used it for a few years when she was ages 5-8, but back then it was really basic and kind of boring. My youngest was approved for EPGY a long time ago, but we have not used it since we had such a bland experience with it before. really think she would like it if it has improved though. Can you describe the newer EPGY a little for me? Does it still have the guy reading blandly, " put an answer in each yella box"...? Thanks:)

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It looks like we all have kids of about the same age working at about the same level. I just gave Dd HOE for Christmas, and we'll work on that soon. If Beast is only selling 3rd grade books next summer, I would have to look at the pricing first. I don't mind going backwards a bit for a fun review, but not if it means shelling out $$$. I'm already using different supplements and there's still a lot of math ahead to buy. However one concern I have is that if we don't slow down a bit, Dd will be facing algebra at 8 or 9, and from reading the threads in the Logic board, I don't know if she will be ready for it.

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...However one concern I have is that if we don't slow down a bit, Dd will be facing algebra at 8 or 9, and from reading the threads in the Logic board, I don't know if she will be ready for it.


You can always spend as much time with Algebra as your DD needs, and even sandbag a good deal by going on all sorts of math tangents...Also, you don't have to go straight into Algebra. You can do projects in Number Theory, Counting, Probability, Freestyle math exploration, learn more math history, learn mental math, maybe learn to use a soroban.There is no law that says "After Arithmetic, continue immediately into formal Algebra." Maybe get a cheap algebra book from a resale shop, and let her use that along with Khanacademy and/or Alcumus to do whatever she wants.


I'll be interested to see what is going to happen with BA. I would like to use it with my kids but by the time they are ready for it all the books should be out by then...

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Oh, crazyforlatin,, as a way of slowing down math if you find your self completing Arithmetic waaay too early? Get a book on HS or College level liberal arts math, a good one and work through some of the topics in it. Get a book that has a few topics, maybe 6 or 7 at the most, that covers them in depth but one that is written at a comfy level for you and your DD to work through together. After that, you may be ready for Algebra.

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How do you like the newer EPGY? My oldest used it for a few years when she was ages 5-8, but back then it was really basic and kind of boring. My youngest was approved for EPGY a long time ago, but we have not used it since we had such a bland experience with it before. really think she would like it if it has improved though. Can you describe the newer EPGY a little for me? Does it still have the guy reading blandly, " put an answer in each yella box"...? Thanks:)



I would definetly not consider EPGY as one of the most exciting or fun programs, but I do feel it's solid and DD seems to do well with the format of the lecture. The guys voice goes back and forth. I think she likes it becuase it's very straight forward & she grasps math concepts quickly. I should probably note that she attends a Montessori elementary school where she's constantly using some type of manipulative. I think sometimes prefers to do school online where she can bypass all the "manipulatives" and just answer the question.


She really likes the EPGY language where there is more interaction with the sentence composition, grammar, etc....and actually on the language there's a female voice and she is a bit more lively :)

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